Ingraham has been MOST NEGLECTFUL and has failed the Bahamian people


<<< Hubert Ingraham, minister of finance.

Nassau, Bahamas — NO more government hiring, No Gambling, Massive pay cuts in government including a cut in salary from the office of the PM.

Massive retirement exercises will commence in the government. Taxes will be increase our sources in the OPM said.

“Taxes will be increased as spending as outpaced revenue. We are in deep ‘doodo’ with the worse minister of finance in the history of the governance of the Bahamas. Hubert Ingraham needs to fire himself and save this country from further disaster,” our source said.

With intimate knowledge of the working of the 2010/11Budget preparation our source further stated, “The PM relies heavily on Sir William Allen. He is an old man; he’s practically brain dead, he is usually half drunk by 11 o’clock drinking that Bacardi 8 años. He frequents Bristol Cellars buying the liquor by the cases.

“Sir William Allen cannot help! He is one of the architect of this mess we are in.”

Bahamas Press now has joined the chorus calling on the Prime Minister to do the honorable thing and fire himself as minister of finance. He should also take his junior minister with him. He has been MOST NEGLECTFUL AND DERELICT IN THE DISCHARGE OF HIS DUTY! HE HAS FAILED THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE!

We need CHANGE!


  1. Lets travel back to 2007 , We all can remember after May 2nd 2007 when a then jubilant Hubert told this country that he has put a stop to all of the projects that the PLP had given the green light too . remember that he stopped the road work projects from going ahead ,instead giving the project to a foreign own company . Instead while all the world economies where in free fall the government decided to go on a borrowing spree and racked up loan after loan with nothing to show 1 where they spent the money , 2 what they did what the funds that where borrowed .

    The government reminds me of the end to Richard The Third , when all of his scheming and treachery and with all of his skulduggery after all of this he was still alone on the battle field shouting those words ,”A horse , A horse my kingdom for A horse , that is the tragedy of this government , after borrowing like drunken wall street men the day has come and reality have crept in like a thief in the night .

  2. Lets travel back to 2007 , We all can remember after May 2nd 2007 when a then jubilant Hubert told this country that he has put a stop to all of the projects that the PLP had given the green light too . remember that he stopped the road work projects from going ahead ,instead giving the project to a foreign own company . Instead while all the world economies where in free fall the government decided to go on a borrowing spree and racked up loan after loan with nothing to show 1 where they spent the money , 2 what they did what the funds that where borrowed .

    The government reminds me of the end to Richard The Third , when all of his scheming and treachery and with all of his skulduggery after all of this he was still alone on the battle field shouting those words ,”A horse , A horse my kingdom for A horse , that is the tragedy of this government , after borrowing like drunken wall street men the day has come and reality have crept in like a thief in the night .

  3. Had the PM told the truth to the people at the very start of the recession his current actions would not be so badly received. But he puts too much trust in spin merchants who promised a speedy end to the downturn. They were only speculating, but on their advice he unwisely borrowed hundreds of millions of dollars. As a result there now has to be much harsher corrective actions than would have been the case had he acted earlier as was advised by those who do not trust in obeah and ouija boards like his advisers do!

  4. OK, everyone knows the country is in a bad spot.
    Does anyone on this site, have any suggestions……..
    Or is this just pointing out the obvious for shock effect.
    Mr. Bannister, am waiting….?

  5. Hubert Ingraham, punch drunk when you could bring the “Dog Bill” “the Grand Bahama Humana Scociety Bill” before the Bail act bill. The suspected shooters on the murders on Grand bahama this week end was all out on bail for 2 murders already. Think about this one of the shooter even has a license to carry a shot gun. This is just the begining

  6. Mr.Ingraham was always HYPED as an intelligent,hard working and honest man when in TRUTH he is the exact opposite of those virtues.His policy of INGRANOMICS was ALWAYS A FAILURE.Indeed farmer P.STRACHAN IS RIGHT mr.Ingraham CANNOT MANAGE A ONE HEN CHICKEN COOP SUCCESSFULLY!!!

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