Ingraham to announce Cabinet shuffle today



Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham Prime Minster Hubert Ingraham will exercise his constitutional powers today and announce changes in his Cabinet. Above is a photo of Ingraham and below some members that will be affected in the Cabinet shuffle today.

Nassau, Bahamas: In a press statement announced by BIS, Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham will shuffle his cabinet on Monday. The statement read, “Prime Minister Hubert A. Ingraham will announce tomorrow evening a reallocation of Cabinet portfolios.

“It will be the first reshuffle of the Cabinet since Mr. Ingraham began his third nonconsecutive term as the nation’s Prime Minister. ”

Over a month ago on May 13th, sources confirmed to Bahamas Press that Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham will change the face of his cabinet before the budget in June. The breaking of that story delayed the process and therefore Ingraham decided to make his changes after the budget debate. No matter what, the fact is after a year in office Hubert Ingraham has found the URGENT need to reassign the men and women in the Cabinet due to a ‘lack of performance’.

At the time of our May 13th release, some who served in the Cabinet did not know what was about to take place, but we did. Bahamas Press is overlooked by many, and by some taken for granted, but what we say here are true and fact. And so on Monday, today live for all the nation to hear, Hubert Ingraham will do just what we said he will do, that is shuffle his Cabinet.

Hubert Ingraham has a serious problem this time however, he has discovered that the entire CABINET in the CABINET has all fallen to some kind of corruption or SCANDAL. All the men in the inner Cabinet circle has broken some part of the “TRUST AGENDA” Hubert Ingraham laid out before the Bahamian people at the swearing ceremony at Government House last year May. Bahamas Press has followed these events and is ready to conclude the following.

Bahamas Press announces, as we said in May 13th article, to looks for a reassignment in the ministry of finance. Zhivargo Laing will become a full time minister, and will he will be moved OUT of the Ministry of Finance. This is a bold prediction to make however, if Hubert Ingraham fail to do this it will be detrimental for his government a source advising the prime minister concluded. ‘MONA VIE’ will not have a case in the courts, and everyone will resurface this SCANDAL in future. To save face, Zharvigo will service another ministry.

Carl Bethel is another who will find less duties under his belt. The Queen’s College Scandal still has a painful sticking affects, and the Hubert cannot help but listen to the facts presented on this blog. The minister is on drips when it comes to gripping the problems shaking the education system in this town. The wife of the PM, a wonderful humble woman we are certain has advised the same, therefore persons should look for changes in that ministry.

Dion Foulkes’ land rip-off scandal just torpedo into a national disgrace in the Ingraham government where scores of homeowners found themselves displaced and out of a legitimate investment. And this is the minister who suppose to keep hardworking Bahamians working.

Then in this year period, Bahamians saw that NATIONAL disgrace of the minister of lands and local government Sidney Collie. Collie sought to proceed with illegal local government elections which disgraced the Ingraham Cabinet when a court ruled that proper proceedures were not done for the preparations of elections to be carried out. Bahamian already know of flaws in elections in this country. And many still believed that if foreigners could have registered in mass in the 2007 elections, having NO status, one would have thought the Ingraham government would have done everything thing in their power to see that elections in the Bahamas are fair. BUT NO, Collie decided otherwise and proved to make sure that ILLEGAL VOTING and the rigging of the local government elections proceed. This is a serious problem in The Bahamas! This time this last incident done by the minister, was another wicked attempt to undermine DEMOCRACY in this country! The prime minister would do well moving Collie, seeing both he like his brother who stole $4,000 out of the Chinese Embassy on Village Road have one thing in common, they both fail to follow the laws of the Bahamas. The Collies should STOP THIEFIN!

Then there is EARL DEVEAUX, who found excuse after excuse when 1,200 public servants were fired from government offices. He argued as to why the government should fire them 1,200 Bahamians just months after the election. Earl later granted a taxi plate to a friend and then took it back. But Earl will be Earl, who remembers when Earl used the government guaranteed loan programme to award his children scholarships and they never went to school, but used the money and bought cars with the government money? Earl will be Earl and how he ended up back in the Cabinet of The Bahamas is still a MYSTERY to Bahamas Press.

Bahamas Press would also advise the PM to remove Tommy Turnquest from the position as Minister of National Security. This is a must, not because Turnquest is not capable to do the job, but in hopes he can secure Tommy’s political career. Bahamas Press ask here, has anyone named as minister of national security ever left that office with a successful political future? Cynthia ‘Mother’ Pratt for starters entered Parliament in 2002 as the most popular MP, with greater popularity than the leader of the PLP. But in less then 5 years later after occupying the office of the minister of national security, she become one of the unpopular ones. If Hubert Ingraham intentionally leave the futuristic Tommy Turnquest in that post this would not be good for him. Bahamas Press advises Tommy to save face and RESIGN with immediate effect from the Ingraham Cabinet if Hubert eaves him in his post. We believe Tommy has a future in politics, and the way to secure that future is to GET OUT OF NATIONAL Security. Hubert said soon he would be moving off the scene, a post as Prime Minister will be vacant. However Tommy will NEVER see that office if he remains minister of national security.

There will be some good refreshing news in the Cabinet shuffle however. Desmond Bannister will be name Attorney General of The Bahamas. This would be refreshing as Sen. Claire Hepburn would be moving out of politics. Also one should look for the minister of Grand Bahama Affairs as promised by Hubert Ingraham in 2007.


  1. You made some good points there. I think most people will agree with you, but I’m curous to see if anybody has any dissenting opinions too.

  2. As for his cabinet shuffle, I think he needs to move Tommy Turnquest immediately!!!
    I came across some information on the problem of crime in this country. READ CAREFULLY TOMMY you might learn something: “Crime is an issue that all countries are face today. Ion the Bahamas it is increasing. In my opinion the Bahamian must take a positive and hard line on solving this problem. We have to begin to act diligently in modernizing our laws and enforcing them. Corruption is too high in terms of who knows who in order to circumvent justice. Yes the government must focus on the economy as we are service oriented country but at the same time the moral fabric of our country is falling into ruins. Yes Cable is good so that our people are kept abreast of what is happening in the world. Yes they can view the same channels if they travel, but at home we need to be more conscious of what we are allowing our children to watch and listen to. These things influence our children to behave in ways which are not acceptable to society. The structure of our schools also need to change so that after school there are structured government and non-profit organizations sponsored learning activities rather than children hanging out in malls, walking in the streets or hanging out in blocks. This should be a requirement for graduating from high school where they must complete a minimum and maximum number of hours per week of afternoon structure learning. We are allowing these children to grow up without discipline and home training. How can we have Tourism as the No. 1 industry, when 10-15 years from now these children cannot speak to each other , they carry weapons, use foul language, dress like they are on a beach, conduct themselves like uncivilized people. Is this what we are encouraging and cultivating for a service oriented country?” Check this, Branville McCartney just went over to immigration and already you see possitive changes in that ministry. That is what we call leadership. Nothing less. Tommy Turnquest has totally embarrassed himself and Ingraham loves it…
    Politics is a nasty game. That is why I put my faith in God and it is he that I trust and love.

  3. I think PM Hubert Ingraham is due to bennefit greatly from the Batelco Privitization deal. He has cable bahamas now he wants batelco. Whta’s next BEC?

  4. Hubert and Leadership should not be in the same sentence….he is a Mugabe styled DICTATOR. The man has no scruples, decorum or anything else. He was dragged up by wolves for all I know. We have an uncouthe, Uncle Tom running our country. Yessa Massa!! Is all he knows to say.
    He is no LEADER he is a DICTATOR!

  5. I started to read your message until I saw the cuss word, I will not read the rest.
    A sensible man does not have to resort to using cuss words to get his point across.

    My post was like boil CRAB and dough, it sure hit the spot!

    See that, I stated my point with no cuss word.

    Grow up lil Boy!!

  6. If only Georgia and Neris could take their head out of Ingraham’s ass long enough to think straight, i wouldn’t have to repeat myself. Pindling fired Christie, Ingraham, Wilbert Moss, Arthur Foulkes and couple of other people too. Thats just the business of the Cabinet. Ingraham fired Brent a couple of times and he fired a few others too and now Collie and Christie sure as hell fired Shane, Keod and Kenyatta and Sidney Stubbs.
    You can say what you want but the fact is they all got fired. At least none of the people who were fired by Christie actually broke the law like how Sidney did.

    If Hubert was showing any kind of leadership, Carl’s ass would have been fired twice, once for the sex scandal and another time just for being so damn arrogant about “situational ethics”, Tommy should be fired, Earl should have been fired for the taxi plate scandal that the wutless media ain’t talk about and Cargo Vargo Mr. 10/45 should have been fired for robbing customs.

    Talk that. Until then, get your head back up Hubert’s butt because you’re not making any kind of sense. BP, you need to have start weeding out the lopsided sycophants again man.

  7. The Bids on the new market were due in October of 2007 after being delayed due to changes in the drawings. That is more than “a few months before the general election”. Plans of this magnitude take months and sometimes years to design and draw and do not just appear overnight in time for a general election. What most people do not realise about the previous design, though it may have cost 23 million to build, it would have benefited ALL Bahamians who could go there for dinner, to see a show, or some other activity. A less grand market, costing about 10 million, would have only benefited a handful of Bahamians, the vendors themselves as personally, I have never set foot in the straw market to make a purchase. Now which make more fiscal sense, spending 10 million to benefit 100 people, or 23 million to benefit 300, 000 people? Coincidently, due to cost increase for building materials, labour, etc., this new government may still have to spend 23 million to build their smaller market!

  8. Before we make statements about what we may think or hear it would be wise to look up the facts. That property was cleared down long before 2 months before the election. There is a state of the art drawing of the new straw market. When that was completed, there was a meeting with the straw venders to view the drawing. (ZNS have footage of that press with the vendors and the Government) I think it was introduced before the two hurricanes hit Freeport. Yes Leslie Miller did say that he think the Straw Market could have been built for a cheeper price. But if one have looked at the drawings one would have apprecaited the value of it because it was not only a Straw market for vendors to sell their work it was it also have a tower which Tourist would have had to pay to go up and be able to look at the whole of Nassau. It had a night club it had other spaces for persons who might have wanted to rent office spaces and space for what ever idia that someone might have come up with which whould have been rent that the building would have made to pay back for its self. The most beautiful part of that building was that different portions of it would have been named after Straw venders who had been there all their lives, who put their children through school and collage and build their houses from. Ares would have been named after them.
    There is no curruption worse than a Government that do not have a concern for its people. Please provide me with one agenda that the FNM have come up with for the betterment of this country and its people since they came in on the 2nd May? I will wait, I have time.
    I know that its because of the war in Iran that the economy is bad but guest what, things would not have been so bad here in The Bahamas if Hubert Ingraham had not stoped projects that had already been signed and some in the prossess to be signed just to say that because it was a PLP project, it was not going through. That Bamar deal was messed up by Ingraham because he knew that he made a agreement with Kerzner that there would be no bigger project than Atlantic because Kerzner wanted to be the top investor so Hubert made sure put a monkey rench in the project to please Sol. TO KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THINGS, ITS GOOD TO ASK QUESTIONS FROM BOTH SIDES AND USE YOUR OWN JUDGMENT. GET THE FACTS AND KNOW THE FACTS ALL OF US WOULD BE BETTER FOR IT.

  9. I hear you nic, but I don’t agree. About 2 months or less before the past general election the PLP rushed to try and clear the property and talk about the construction. personally they should have just left it alone and give them the explanation you and others are now giving. It looked like pandering. A senior former PLP Minister said he couldn’t attend the visit because the market could have been built in their first 2 years. He went on to say that he was embarassed. Why didn’t they do that before? I was disappointed because I supported them as a party for the people. Christie and his crew on their visit should have apologised for this. Politicians on the whole need to stop taking people for granted and then treating them like fools, like they don’t have a brain.
    As far as the corruption charges, we shouldn’t go there, that was done on both sides and you know that. As far as Carl Bethel, well I understand that there were some other prominent or used to be prominent people who dared not touch that subject, after having been called to the elite schools about the conduct of their son/daughter. I don’t agree with it, I am disappointed in that school, but you know when you live in glass houses you shouldn’t throw stones.
    We don’t need politicians who have selective memories and do whatever is expedient at the time. That goes for all of them.

  10. to Georgia jones

    The well beaning of the people in Freeport after the two huricans were more important at the time than the Straw Market. That is why the Christie Government did not bill the market at the time. The PLP believe in people before things.

    So when Hubert fired those poor minimum wage salary persons because he thinking them to be PLP showes leadership, I would hate to see what a heartless person is.

    The PLP Ministers at the time may have had mismanagement in judgment, but there is no evidence of them every taking from the cookie jar (stealing from the Bahamas Public Treasury). There is many proof of that on the FNM’s side e.g, Lang, changing duty from 45% to 10% for Mona Vie Juice, Carl Bethel’s 17 year old son committing sexual act with a 13 year old. Dion Foulks, for the Education scandle and selling land to people for a company that do not exist. Tommy T., party for giving a air condition contract. His, Carl Bethel and Dion’s dishonesty was from the first and this administration.

  11. I am real, it’s you all who are not, that’s why you still visiting the straw market. The Nerve!!

  12. Lloyd have you forgotten already! The internet is a powerful tool and records history well!

    In 2003, the BLEACHERS scandal and Minister Wisdom’s fateful decisions were in their early infancy.

    The fight between Sidney Stubbs and Minister Leslie Miller was brewing and blowing out of control. The Minister ordered that the Korean fishing boats must return to Korea, however the mother ship turned up in Freeport. The Minister nor the P.M had control over loose lips Stubbs. If you can’t handle the job, back aside!

    Also in Grand Bahama, the handling of the situation with the Local Government Council/Marva Moxey saga by Minister Gray was unbelievable.

    In 2003 the writing was beginning to appear on the wall. After one year, as a leader Perry should have been able to see which of his Minister’s were heading down a road of distruction and should have shuffled the Cabinet on December 31st, 2003.

    Had he picked up on this, he probably would not have been a one term P.M

  13. Christie didn’t fire anyone. He had his people put pressure on the ones who resigned to do so. Look how long it took. True weakling!

  14. I so agree. Christie was a weakling. Hubert showing us all what leadership is all abouy.

  15. I think that this may go down as the quickest shuffle in the history of democratic governments worldwide. After just one year, it is a sure sign to me that things are not going right. You don’t just shuffle for shuffling sake. And you don’t move people who are doing a good job. One year is not long enough to complete an agenda in a ministry. This is a sure sign of “wutlessness”!

  16. We agree with this Lloyd, but one cannot help to see that the arrogant minister was warned in Parliament twice and he failed to listen to advise. He still proceeded despite two opportunities to correct it. Like we said on this blog, knowing how elections had been proven to be corrupted in this country, for a minister to do the same is SHAMEFUL! He was wrong, he a did grave disservice to DEMOCRACY in this country.

  17. Something happened in 2003 that the rest of us missed eh? Collie getting fired shouldn’t be a surprise because Shane was fired, Kenyatta was fired, keod was fired and before them, Pindling and ingraham fired plenty people too. Don’t forget Hubert fired Brent twice. This is how it should be and this ain’t no PLP or FNM thing. You mess up and its your fault, you fall on your sword and we move on. Collie did the right thing although I believe Hubert pushed him because he knew the PLP wasn’t going to let go of this anytime soon.

  18. If Perry Christie had the guts and political will in 2003, to do what Hubert Ingraham is going to do today, his history would have had a totally different ending!

  19. The only thing this shuffle will achieve is to allow this incompetent lot to mess up another Ministry. The only thing that will bring an improvment to the Cabinet is for the P.M. to call elections now!

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