Ingraham was in Bimini this weekend and Basil Rolle died following his visit


hubert-jpgNassau, Bahamas — Basil Rolle a resident on the island of Bimini is dead this morning. BP believes the longtime employee of Bimini Bay drop dead after hearing news the resort is having financial problems.

BP notes Hubert Ingraham visited the island on Saturday and was told by the resort owners the property is facing difficult times. BP conveys our sympathies to Basil’s family and we call on our readers to pray for Bimini Bay.


  1. BP you will be driving the ice wagon while you rot in hell!!!! you have no damned morales and are a bastard from the pits of hell…you sick, demented bastard!!!! spit on your grave BP…SPIT ON YOUR DAMNED GRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Eagle cyar ya stink u no what!

    As for basil R.I.P.

    “Papa” did say he gat a brand new bag. So I wonder who all name he gat in it?
    It ain no secret that the amazon gorilla is play with the devil and voodoo.
    Das why he glorify fire and flames. He’s a servant of satan.
    But tomorrow we will Pour HOLY WATER on that torch!


  3. This is a new low for BP.  Trying to politicise the death of this man is simply pathetic.  Does it not occur to BP that Mr. Rolle’s family and loved ones are bereaving at this time?  Pathetic. Simply Pathetic!

  4. Hey! People be real.  Basil dead because of Bimini Bay financial woes?  Basil was a man of God who knew his source.  He was devoted to serving his community at all cost.  I am proud to have known Basil and send condolence to his family.  May his soul rest in peace.  Don’t associate his death with BB. 

    • But he died right? Cause when we write things we must make sure we reporting truth cause everyone down to the PM say e spreading lies. We to also know Basil very well. To his wife, his sister Lamour, Suslin and his brother MACK. May his and all other rest in peace and rise in GLORY!


  5. Hey! People be real.  Basil dead because of Bimini Bay financial woes?  Basil was a man of God who knew his source.  Yes he worked at B B, but he was devoted to serving his community at all cost.  I am proud to have known Basil and send condolence to his family.  May his soul rest in peace.  Don’t associate his death with BB. 

  6. Hey! People be real.  Basil dead because of Bimini Bay financial woes?  Get real.  Basil was a man of God who knew his source.  Yes he worked at B B, but he was devoted to serving his community at all cost.  I am proud to have known Basil and send condolence to his family.  May his soul rest in peace.  Don’t associate his death with BB. 

  7. Bimini Residents writes to BP:

    Pray for Bimini Bay??!?!… Bimini Bay is one of the most controversial developments in the Bahamas, with years of negative press that have polluted this island’s image.

    Even now, they are aggressively dredging and filling our mangrove wetlands, destroying our conch and crawfish nurseries, and no even knows if they have the permits to be doing this!!!…

    The death of any Biminite calls for prayer, but we don’t need sympathy for greedy developers who have tarnished this island’s image.

    How about an investigation as to whether Bimini Bay has permits to be doing the dredging and filling they are doing?…

    How about an investigation as to why our Marine Protected Area hasn’t been created yet?

    How about an investigation as to whether Bimini Bay has developed their habitat restoration plan, as they promised?

    Multi-millionaire developers don’t need our prayers when they are “struggling”, we need the people of Bimini to be protected and spoken for.

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