International Agency Steps in to monitor actions against Omar Archer


n1573822105_1039<<< Omar Archer

Nassau, Bahamas: Andre Milne director of ASOVE a human rights organization out of Canada has written to the Secretary of the Cabinet addressing concerns to recent death threats against the life of Omar Archer.

In a letter to Anita Bernard Director Milne said, “I am formally asking you to advise me as to why no action is being taken to arrest the man currently on bail for clearly violating his bail conditions to have no direct or indirect contact of Omar Archer?”

Milne letter continued, “Should any harm come to the person of Omar Archer, you personally will be held liable and or culpable for negligence of duty and shall be submitted as such to the Director of United Nations Human Rights for disposition by the Geneva authority in accordance with UN standards.

“I strongly suggest you give this your immediate attention,” he said.

Last year an attacker shot Archer in the Nassau Village area public view. His attacker has since awarded bail only 6 weeks after being arraigned on the matter. The trial has yet to come to head. Meanwhile, the attempted murder walks free committing additional threats to Archer since his bail hearing.

Archer told Bahamas Press, “I reported [the matter] to the central police station that same day [date of his release] and nothing has been done about it.  I sent a letter to the judge and prosecutor about what occurred, and still nothing.  On Saturday January 3rd, I passed him [the shooter] on the street driving in opposite directions, guess what, He [the attempted murder now on bail] turned around and began to follow me,” Archer said.

In a press statement to Bahamas Press ASOVE director charged that the motive behind the attempted assassination on Archer is as a direct result of Archer’s efforts and noted that they were economically and politically motivated by members of the Bahamian judicial system,” the press statement said.

“ASOVE deems that the life and safety of Mr. Omar Archer is still in danger by elements of corruption at the highest levels of the Bahamian Government.

“ASOVE has confirmed that the failure of the Bahamian Government to direct the Bahamian Police to immediately arrest and imprison the man who shot Mr. Omar Archer for repeatedly following and texting messages, contrary to the bail conditions, is clear evidence of the Bahamian Government’s criminal accessory to the man who shot Mr. Archer,” Malin said.



  1. @call it as I see it
    On the contrary. The t-shirt part of what you read, if you look closer is just the copyright aspect to limit the use of the logo. It does not reference that this NGO sells these items. Digging a bit further it appears that the “body shop” was replaced with offices and that the site was originally an abandond radio active waste site… hope he’s not glowing… 🙂

    Here’s the interesting thing… The registration of the logo was done with the Canadian registration and no other database and was not utilized anywhere else until a recent publication…

    Get this… I was talking to a friend and showed him the logo (registered in 1999) and he was saying that he had seen it before. It turns out that he had recently seen a TV show about the “Lost Tomb of Christ” and it looked alot like this logo. When I looked that up I swear it’s the same logo as on the tomb! The tomb was discovered in 1995 but not publisized until 2008. It’s a bit freaky because the logo hasen’t been used anywhere else.

  2. WOW! :

    media :
    But WOW i don’t think anyone is questioning whether or not your party always had it as a rule, but why make such a rule public? Are you’re suggesting that the only way the PLP can rule its members is by telling them it through the NEWSPAPERS? The same place which slaps them to the ground on a daily basis?
    And if it was a rule for umpteen years, HOW IS IT CHRISTIE, being the weak leader that he is, NOT INSTITUTE IT? Everybody knows MUGABE is the only spokesman for the FNM. And EVERYONE knows when Ferguson speaks Sandra Knowles approved it for him. But what we find COMMUNISTIC is the fact that Christie has now decided to say something publicly he cannot say internally!
    Bahamas Press/editor

    BP, there you go again reading the “Wutless” newspapers and taking them for gospel. That article did not credit Christie or Hanna-Martin. It claims “sources” and we both know that how that goes.

    Media, anyone can go and collect a copy of the PLP’s constitution from their HQ. They don’t ask if you’re a PLP. They just give it over and its right in there in black and white just as WOW said. I don’t see the big deal with the public knowing. Maybe if they did, there wouldn’t have been such an uproar over Omar’s last outing on the radio.

  3. Thanks Investigator.

    Like I said, a one man band with no fixed address, who use to be in a Body shop plus he sells paraphenials such as t-shirts, bumper stickers, badges, hats, jackets and his logo is drawn with a pencil.

    I wonder what Mr. Milne really does besides threaten countries and fly below the radar???

  4. Great job Investigator!! You remind me of me.

    you sure did some really deep research to find those shallow details. ASOVE must be a rather insignificant organization to be so difficult to find. It is unbelievable that the only notation of the existence of this organization whose goal is to champion international human rights is a single database registry. This must be making a really major impact globally (sarcasm). Info on Andre David Milne is even more scant.

    I pray for Mr. Archer that he isn’t relying on a letter from David Milne and “ASOVE” to protect him from harm or speak up for his rights.

    Maybe, I should try…

    Attention Bahamas and Bahamian people. This is Morehands from Nassau, Bahamas. I will only say this once and only once at at. I demand by decree from the power entrusted in my organization for more hands to get involved in the healing, restoration and growth of the Bahamas…


    If any harm is to come to the person of Mr. Archer, his relatives or his personal possessions, you will have Morehands to deal with.

  5. Found this…;jsessionid=0000JKQp2nV0MjSnV3toJP-dwUf:13nudv1cj?lang=eng&fileNumber=1010717&extension=0&startingDocumentIndexOnPage=1

    ASOVE seems to be an NGO which means you wouldn’t find as a branch of the Canadian government…

    Oh and you didn’t get the phone number right… ends with a 2 not a 1

    Also… Farls Auto Body is not there anymore. See

    It seems to now be owned by a property management company that leases offices.

  6. Omar as to the legitimacy of ASOVE, I think the posts last night have proven that the organization is nothing more than a one man band with his address in a mechanic shop and his body somewhere else! I have proven my point!

    You think someone was not going to check ah? Common sense is still common among some of us and BTC GAT THE WORLD AT MY FINGERTIPS!

    STICK A FORK IN YOU, YOU ARE DONE! Go with God Omar!

  7. Look. You are all angry because I have forwarded the evidence that will eventually expose Tommy Turnquest. Ask him the last time he been through Augusta street by the way. I am so disapointed to know how blinded Bahamians have become due to thier political loyalty. People we are all one, we must understand there are indeed corrupt individuals in all facets of society and they must all be exposed. We are living in a very serious time as describes in Daniel chapter 11. The question is ‘Which side of the fence are you all on? I am on God’s side. And through God the truth will be revealed. This is only the begining of what’s to really come. Just stay tuned in and stop being so judgemental my people.. “Call it as I see it” I told you once and will tell you again, stop making an absolute fool of yourself by questioning BP’s factual material…lol I just can’t wait for these cards to play themselves out. By the way did not PM Hubert Ingraham said he will investigate public figures? Well here is his first task, Investigate your Minister of National Security Hon. Tommy Turnquest. Is this the reason why he shuffled CDU to make sure that those responsible for the investigation will be biased in dealing with him? Trust me this is far above the Bahamas government head. Now let’s see if Hubert Ingraham will practice what he preached in the pass about being more decisive than Perry Christie on these type of issues. Will he terminate Tommy Turnquest or will he allow him to destroy the FNM like he and foulks did leading up to 2002 election. Turnquest again will be the reason why the FNM will lose in 2012. He always messes up and this time he will not ever recover from what will be exposed. Again stay from through Augusta Street in Bain town. Tommy PLZ. lol

  8. @media

    No I did not call T.M.Z, I have no interest in T.M.Z or Obie’s photos whatsoever.
    I should have put ASOVE in a bracket, to indicate that it was the subject of that sentence. Sorry! More Hands is correct, however I was not able to call that number ASOVE listed in the letter as that bit was not posted until I enquired about the organization.

    Media I don’t know what you thought when you saw that letter, but a few things including some simple gramma errors made me examine that letter more thoroughly. Another thing that stood out to me was the strong and stern threats issued to a Sovereign nation. There was absolutely no diplomacy used whatsoever.

    The final nail in that coffin was the fact that this organization came to the conclusion that the CLEAR EVIDENCE that they have, has made the Government an accessory to a criminal act and they went even further to implicate the Bahamian Judicial System. They made themselves judge, jury and excutioner in one letter.

    The whole thing is suspect! Morehands thanks for the info.

  9. Because I actually read with the intention to comprehend what I am reading. I am still trying to figure out you question why he called Of all the organizations, individuals, whatever the may have called, how in the world Media chose TMZ as his phone call source?

  10. No. He means call the so call number for ASOVE (416-666-6471) and see who answers the telephone. Or call Farls Auto Body in Port Hope, Ontario at telephone (905) 885-2886, ask them for their address, see if it is the same as on the ASOVE letter. Do a Google search on Andre D. Milne (of Canada or anywhere else in the world) and see if his name come up on anything related to human rights.

    The answers are No, No. No, and No.

    But there is a Andre Milne of Canada who did create a sculpture to help draw attention to a missing girl but later was involved in a lawsuit with the Canadian Supreme Court because he felt is was unlawful for him to be fingerprinted and mugshot if he was not formally charged with a crime. He did say in his suit that his “human rights” were violated. Now this sound like a person who was recently arrested and gave police hell.

    Morehands makes for a very good journalist. Using a computer and a Vonage telephone, it took me all but 15 minutes to research and verify (fail to) the authenticity, validity and relevance of an organization, a letter and a human rights activist.

  11. call it as I see it :
    Media, sometimes you do not back up claims unless asked, case and point the Obie photo story. I googled that organization, made some calls and zilch! Of course this has aroused some lingering suspicions.

    Call it as I see it, you mean You contacted TMZ to question whether the photos were posted on You do not know feeds all these celebrity news around the world? You must be kidding. feeds news to CNN and you was calling them? Give US A BREAK! The place you should be calling is Bahamas Information Service or the Tribune. Or the Guardian where they appeared the following morning AFTER OUR REPORT OF THEM, if you did not believe we were sent those photos of OBIE.

    You must be kidding…PLease explain…


  12. @media
    Media, sometimes you do not back up claims unless asked, case and point the Obie photo story. I googled that organization, made some calls and zilch! Of course this has aroused some lingering suspicions.

    Not everyone one this site are followers, some of us are real critical thinkers and should not be faulted for doing so. Imagine what the Bahamas would be like if the Opposition never questioned the Government or made them prove some things. I imagine that if we all believed the Tribune, Guardian and Journal, there would be no need for Bahamas Press.

    Thank you for your response.
    Still calling it as I see it!

  13. I have to agree with “call It As I See It” ASOVE is nowhere to be found in the Canadian registry of human rights organizations (government, for profit and not for profit) and a correspondence from Office of the Prime Minister means hogwash. It makes no reference to Archer at all. And the original letter to the Prime Minister Office from ASOVE talks about raping of children in Afghanistan and not Archer. Even this was not directly responded to by the Prime Minister Office. All it said was that they received the letter and will review it. Just a generic response to any complaint letter.

    Even the logo of ASOVE on the letter is drawn in by pen and not a part of the original letterhead.

    Now, just in case someone wants to question my doubt of the organizations validity, type in the address of ASOVE into Google and see what comes up. It is the address of a auto repair shop in Canada. Google Map will even zoom you in to the address to see the facility. Farls Auto Body in Port Hope, Ontario (on)

    Name: Farls Auto Body
    Street: 2376 Baulch Road
    Port Hope, ONT L1A1A1-
    Phone: (905) 885-2886

    The phone number given for ASOVE under the signature relates to a telephone in Toronto Canada and not Port Hope, as per the address. Port Hope’s area codes are 905 and 289.

    So the question is, who is ASOVE?
    Why are they not listed on the Canadian Human Rights Commission database?
    Why can’t they be found, mentioned anywhere on the internet?
    Why doesn’t the addresses and telephone add up?
    What type of serious, respected organization does not have a formal letterhead and has to draw in its logo with a pen?
    Why is the correspondence about raping of children posted on BP and not the one regarding Archer, since BP has quoted from the so-called human rights letter?
    Why so many unanswered questions?
    What is going on?

  14. Let me correct that then, Why would you question the validity of what we report when it is so common that we we back up our claims? You do have the right to share your critical thoughts, however please don’t use it blindly when to the facts explain themselves. The letters does show a response by the Canadian government to the organization on matters of concern to the organization.

    Sometimes I wonder why I go through this explaining because if I brought Hubert Ingraham (FOR EXAMPLE) to you and said this is HUBERT, you would still be guessing if it is him. You might even say, “NO THIS IS MUGABE!” I guess your right ????? Continue independent MIND!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  15. To “Call it as I see it”, I would wish you not question the validity of what we present on this blog. Even the WUTLESS PAPERS see Bahamas Press as a source for news. Please, please never question what we post. We have facts and documents to back up our claims. ASOVE’s director has taken up the matter with Omar Smith and it is a VALID registered organization in CANADA! As for proof of their communications with the government of Canada, do see attached communication to see between the organization and the Government of Canada. attached to the article shows communication between the Office of the Canadian Prime Minister in regards to the ASOVE investigation of the war crimes being conducted in Afghanistan.

    MEDIA WHAT DO YOU MEAN DO NOT QUESTION THE VALIDITY OF WHAT IS ON THE BLOG????? So am I to believe that everything you say is right and whatever I or anyone else thinks or believe is wrong????? Please do not insult my intelligence.

    The above post is very dictatorial and exceeds censuring! In this country, freedom of speech is guaranteed by our Constitution. I can see you asking me not to post on your site, but to not be able to question what I believe is questionable? please tell me your fingers slipped on that keyboard.

    I am not one to swallow everything fed to me hook line and sinker. I believe in investigating, dissecting, decipering and arriving at my own conclusions. I am more than disappointed in your stance tonight. Today I have seen BP arrive at a juncture that I cannot believe.

    Let me remind about what you have said so many times regarding free speech on this site.
    “But in the meantime we cannot tell persons what and what not to say. That is the practise of the WUTLESS MEDIA, people like the ‘Toilet Paper’ Tribune, and as we read this morning the quickly turning COMMUNIST TURNING PLP LEADERSHIP (WHERE THEY HAVE PLACED A GAG ORDER ON EVERY MEMBER) WOW!

    On the Sharon Turner and the Obie Wilchombe photo, let me again remind you ABOUT WHAT YOU SAID!
    “Bahamas Press is ALWAYS willing to backup its claims. Not so however, with many of the WUTLESS MEDIA here in the country.”

    After being pressed and questioned as the VALIDITY of the e-mail in the Obie photos, you posted the entire e-mail minus the addresses and minus the request to the bloggers to not question your posts as you did with me. What is different here, did I miss something??

    As for ASOVE, a letter to the Canadian Government, tells me nothing about an organization that goes around wielding threats and accusing a Sovereign Government of criminal acts based on information from a nut.

    I will do my own research to answer the burning questions I have regarding that letter and the organization.

  16. Well Christie will have to speak now and stop letting others do and then when there is trouble laying back and saying it wasn’t him. He will now take full responsibility for his party.As for Glenys, well who knows! She takes so long to say something after she has consulted God knows how many people. The two of them just alike, and to think PC never wanted to see her as chairman.

  17. BP please excuse my ignorance, but I have just spent a considerable amount of time researching that organization mentioned above(A S O V E)
    and can find absolutely NO REFERENCE to that organization on the internet or elsewhere. Surprisingly, the U.N in Canada has no listing also. However, I may be wrong so research is still being done.

    I feel that a letter that has been so strongly worded should be investigated and not ignored. As a Bahamian citizen, the wording concerns me, after all the BAHAMAS IS A SOVEREIGN NATION.
    I may be wrong and so I await the proof for this pudding.

    • To “Call it as I see it”, I would wish you not question the validity of what we present on this blog. Even the WUTLESS PAPERS see Bahamas Press as a source for news. Please, please never question what we post. We have facts and documents to back up our claims. ASOVE’s director has taken up the matter with Omar Smith and it is a VALID registered organization in CANADA! As for proof of their communications with the government of Canada, do see attached communication to see between the organization and the Government of Canada. attached to the article shows communication between the Office of the Canadian Prime Minister in regards to the ASOVE investigation of the war crimes being conducted in Afghanistan.

  18. media :
    But WOW i don’t think anyone is questioning whether or not your party always had it as a rule, but why make such a rule public? Are you’re suggesting that the only way the PLP can rule its members is by telling them it through the NEWSPAPERS? The same place which slaps them to the ground on a daily basis?
    And if it was a rule for umpteen years, HOW IS IT CHRISTIE, being the weak leader that he is, NOT INSTITUTE IT? Everybody knows MUGABE is the only spokesman for the FNM. And EVERYONE knows when Ferguson speaks Sandra Knowles approved it for him. But what we find COMMUNISTIC is the fact that Christie has now decided to say something publicly he cannot say internally!
    Bahamas Press/editor

    BP, there you go again reading the “Wutless” newspapers and taking them for gospel. That article did not credit Christie or Hanna-Martin. It claims “sources” and we both know that how that goes.

  19. JOKES FER DAYS!! I bet Andre Milne (director of ASOVE) would gasp in shock when s/he reads how Omar described in detail his assault on his stepson, his verbal abuse on an officer of the LAW and the raunchy lauguage and threats he hurls at members of BP.

    I think she would write a letter to Ms. Anita Bernard seeking to especially protect firstly, the handicap stepson of Omar who was brutally attacked and beaten, secondly the bloggers on Bahamas Press whose identites Omar desperately wants to find. Only God knows what he wants to do.

    The caution by Media on behalf of Joe Blow, should really raise eyebrows for ASOVE. And he has the gall to ask for protection. Omar after your behaviour on this blog, there are people who are actually afraid of YOU and for you!

    I will not ask BP to say a word on my behalf, give a man a long enough rope and eventually he will hang himself.

    The things I said to Omar, should have been said a long time ago, but some of his wutless friends appears to be too afraid to say it. One day Omar you will thank ME.

    For the record, read all of my posts on BP, I am not and have never been a P.L.P Cabinet Minister or a Member of Parliament. I may know them but, as for being one of them, I AM NOT!

    However, I am able, willing and ready to defend myself against any such characters and will continue to CALL IT AS I SEE IT minus the cuss words!!

  20. But WOW i don’t think anyone is questioning whether or not your party always had it as a rule, but why make such a rule public? Are you’re suggesting that the only way the PLP can rule its members is by telling them it through the NEWSPAPERS? The same place which slaps them to the ground on a daily basis?

    And if it was a rule for umpteen years, HOW IS IT CHRISTIE, being the weak leader that he is, NOT INSTITUTE IT? Everybody knows MUGABE is the only spokesman for the FNM. And EVERYONE knows when Ferguson speaks Sandra Knowles approved it for him. But what we find COMMUNISTIC is the fact that Christie has now decided to say something publicly he cannot say internally!



    Bahamas Press/editor

  21. Omar Archer Sr. :
    WOW! with all due respect, while you are correct in regards to protocol, I must advise you my friend that BP is correct on this one. I have been told the same thing by another member of the PLP that they are not allow to speak to the media on certain issues. However true it maybe or not be, it was said I can assure you of that.

    Omar, all I am saying is that this is not some new rule just created. It has always been in the party constitution and the current Chairman has been preaching this in and out of council since being elected to fill the post. Everyone should take the time to read the constitution of ANY organization with which they are involved. Not having knowledge of a rule does not provide an excuse for breaking it.

    Also, let me take the time to wish you well in your current circumstances. Though I personally do not agree with your course of action in regards to your step-son, only you know what needed to be done at the time so I refuse to judge you for it. Be careful and very mindful of who you trust and confide in. These are very strange days in our Bahamaland.

  22. Now Drama King you know how we go… NEVER SCARED! One by one I will do just that. These politicians pretend to be against each other but behind close doors they are the best of friends. Natural pretenders.. And whenever you show the courage to speak up they always cry lawsuit.. Lawsuit Lawsuit.. Bring um on I still ga talk…

  23. WOW! with all due respect, while you are correct in regards to protocol, I must advise you my friend that BP is correct on this one. I have been told the same thing by another member of the PLP that they are not allow to speak to the media on certain issues. However true it maybe or not be, it was said I can assure you of that.

  24. I have been trying to get this story printed for weeks now…Only Bahamas Press was not afraid to run the story. I truly appreciate this free and democratic environment here BP. Now I can sit back and chill.. That’s all I wanted people to know the absolute truth about the existing level of corruption in this country. Now Amnesty will be informed so as to engage the government on this dreadful abuse of power. Like I said before, I will not stop until I expose them all.

  25. BP, I thought better of you. You continuously label The Tribune and The Guardian as the “wutless media”, but then you come here quoting their articles that credit “unnamed sources”. You know better than that man. There was no gag-order put in place, this was always a stipulation of the PLP constitution to maintain unity of message. It clearly states only the Chairman and Leader are official spokesperson for the party. The same is true for the FNM. The only persons commenting officially for the FNM, on party matters, are their Chairman and HI. Other members can comment on things that come under their portfolio, such as shadow ministries.

    In any organization, this is how it works whether political or private. Do you see every and any employee of Microsoft for example giving interviews and making official statements about the company any time they feel like it, absolutely not. As a matter of fact, i am certain they stipulate that they aren’t authorized to do so in their employment contract!

    And also, I have made post on here that weren’t offensive, or false and you have censored (note the spelling) them so don’t go there either.

  26. BP thank you for sharing your concerns I do apologize for being so rude and yes you are right it’s not becoming of a statesman. Your advice and concerns always resonates with me and you have my word that it will not happen again. To you I do apologize and will be mindful of my behavior in the future. I hope this has limited effect on our relationship as professionals. Thank you for the opportunity to express myself as such.

  27. Bahamas Press is concerned with the level of interference of the Police by the Prime Minister. It has netted an Corrupt Police force and a lack of the execution of Justice in this country. The criminals are run free and the victims more and more are imprisoned in their homes.

    Bahamas Press will go deep into the dark side of this corrupt practise. We will flex our muscle to this Ingraham government and show just how wicked persons in GOVERNMENT, POWERFUL POLITICAL FAMILIES and yes the victims are treated here in the Bahamas when it comes to CRIME! The victim in this upcoming article will be the story surrounding the late JOY CARTWRIGHT! The young girl who was murdered in her apartment back in the 1990s. Joy was an innocent girl. YOUNG, BEAUTIFUL but her criminals never saw justice and we at Bahamas Press knows why. STAY TUNED FOR THIS SHOCKING REVELATION THAT WILL UNCOVER THE CORRUPTION IN THE BAHAMIAN JUDICIAL PROCESS!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

    PS: JOE BLOW YOUR COMMENTS ARE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT. WE HAVE CAUTIONED ARCHER and advised him of our concerns. I too thought some of what went on here yesterday is offensive language, however walking the balance of FREE SPEECH and CENSURING comments are difficult. But I think we have made it clear to him of our expressed concerns.

    We are determined on this blog to keep the conversation FREE FROM swearing. Again BP is rated G! But in the meantime we cannot tell persons what and what not to say. That is the practise of the WUTLESS MEDIA, people like the ‘Toilet Paper’ Tribune, and as we read this morning the quickly turning COMMUNIST TURNING PLP LEADERSHIP (WHERE THEY HAVE PLACED A GAG ORDER ON EVERY MEMBER) WOW!

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