Nassau, Bahamas – Billionaire hedge fund manager Louis Bacon lost another battle in his decade-long feud with Canadian clothing magnate Peter Nygard over their neighbouring properties in the Bahamas as a New York judge threw out Mr. Bacon’s defamation lawsuit in which he claimed he was forced to flee the Bahamas. Bacon not only lost once but twice.
And now that the elections are upon us, Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays are scraping the barrel of the political landscape to see how best they can interfere in the political process in the country.
We know the former Chairman of the FNM Michael Pintard was hired by Save the Bays and was at the centre of a Plot For Hire Scandal that paid big money to two inner-City men. Pintard resigned as a result.
Sources now tell us Pintard is being considered for a run for the FNM in Marco City, Freeport, Grand Bahama. But after resigning in embarrassment as Chairman of the FNM, Pintard is still being coached and pitched as a potential candidate even though questions are still circulating over his role in the Plot for Hire Save Da Bays orchestrated event.
Intel confirms and proves to BP that a contract of $1.8 million each was placed on the table for the two men at the centre of the incident. What was Pintard’s role in all of this?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Pintard would be one of several Louis Bacon Save The Bays candidates already nominated for the 2017 General Elections.
We report yinner decide.