Is McDermott Lying? The Truth Is In The Tapes TO BE PLAYED MONDAY At the Travolta Trial. Bahamas Press Got A Front Row Seat For This One


mcdermott<<< Travolta’s boys battle in the Bahamas with lawyers: Mike McDermott (front) and Ronnie Zupancic (rear) have shown their tempers with the defense lawyers. They’ll be back on Monday when McDermott has to answer some more questions after those top secret tapes finally come out.

Nassau, Bahamas — Michael McDermott (or as our commentators are now calling him McDummit), John Travolta’s Florida attorney has made some powerful claims about taping Pleasant Bridgewater and Tarino Lightborne trying to extort the money from the actor. He told the court he met with top cop Marvin Dames during his meeting at Maynard & Co., Allyson Gibson, Clement Maynard and several other “legal eagles” before his room at the Sheraton was set up with audio and video equipment.

Now, these super secret tapes are set to be played in full on Monday because the court didn’t want to “fragment” them by listening to one portion and not the whole thing.  This is a triple feature that ain’t coming to a theatre near you. Rumor has it the tapes are nearly an hour long of stunning evidence that could blow this case deeper than the blue holes of Andros. Take a good look at our exclusive photo we took of him on Friday leaviing court. Does this look like a man who came to the Bahamas with as Murro Ducille said, “evil in his heart”? Walking behind him, his Ronald ‘Ronnie’ Zupancic, another Travolta buddy who tried to act up with Ducille when he took the witness stand the other day.bridgewater

With so many MP’s and PLP’s showing up for court, we wonder who might be sitting in the gallery on Monday to see just what went down in room 328. Bahama Press readers, don’t even try to go on Shirley Street, much less Bank Lane Monday morning. Travolta’s crew, the international media and everybody and their potcake look like they trying get front row seats for this one.

We just hope McDermott knows what he’s getting into because after those tapes are played, he has to face some more questions by Bridgewater’s no-nonsense Murrio Ducille and Lightbourne’s man-with-a-plan Carlson Shurland. Both lawyers will be ready to fire off some serious questions for McDummit (hope he didn’t see we just mispronounce his name) depending on what is on the tapes.

What we do know about the tapes so far is that three witnesses have already claimed that there was conversation involving Bridgewater, Lightbourne and McDermott and that the tapes were signed by McDermott and two officers. We also know that there is a lengthy transcript that was written up by a lady cop who was also in the undercover room 326 McDermott said was right next door when he was entertaining his ‘guests’ that fateful morning.

Once we finally get to see these tapes, the only other question we have to ponder is just how much bleach Bridgewater goes through in a week to keep her whites tidy. More importantly, is that white representing innocence or surrender? Een long now. Check back with Bahama Press by Monday afternoon, we bringing you this one before everybody else with all the details!


  1. @Tristan
    Hi Tristan, I haven’t changed and you should expect for you and I to disagree at times. No two persons on the planet will always think and feel the same way. What I realize in life people always like what you have to say once it is something they want to hear. How you think politicians is win elections? By telling people things they know they would like to hear. Well I am not a crowd pleaser. I believe in telling it the way I see it. Yes, I have already assumed in my mind that Pleasant is guilty and I have my reasons for feeling that way. I understand Pleasant has been practicing law for years, one would think she should understand what is considered extortion. I don’t practice law and I know what they have been accused of is considered as extortion. Now all I am saying, “if she was a woman of integrity and she wanted no part in it, when Tarino approached her and let her in on what he was dealing with she had a couple choices that she could have made, but it seems as though she selected the wrong one. When she could have gone straight to police and reported him or she could have told him to go and look for another jungalist lawyer to do it, because I don’t do those kinds of horrible things to people.” I don’t know what good Pleasant did in her past that I may be overlooking, but for her to be a part of something that is as despicable as this; I am starting to believe it was something that was very beneficial to her as well. That is my honest opinion and having a personal opinion does not mean that I am in any position to convict anyone, that is for the courts to do.

  2. Kim Sands I like your comments but you have been caught up in the mix of assumptions. You were a force for Facts and truths. I guess like others you cant wait and ya gatta find ya own colclusion to satisfy ya self. Wow what a Bahamas we live in. You can do 364 days of good but ohh one day you go off track, you are persecuted for Life.

  3. yah can blame gibson for this she only did her duty as she is an officer of the court and thats from somone who is no fan but the truth is the truth and it is no offence if she didnt act imagine mc dummit on his own far as he sees it extortion exist only in the usa

  4. Is something wrong with me or is it others?Is doing the right thing not popular in the Bahamas?Would Bahamians see a loaded truck dispersing goods on the street due to an accident,go there asnd steal some of the goods?Are the Drexel Gomez of the Bahams a minority? Have we forgotten the lessons of dishonesty that were revealed by the 1983-84 Commission of Enquiry into Drug trafficking?I have so many questions that am spinning in a circle.

  5. BP how out there looking? They play any of the tapes yet? So, it looks like they have anything concrete on them? UnPleasant in her all white again aye? Trying to say she is pure and innocent. All I have to say, I sorry for her if they find her guilty and they put her in prison; those women in there would love to have a field day with her. Trust me, they will have to put her by herself. Them women would go crazy if put her in there with them.

  6. Allyson has a lot of guts, she the only politician, I see who isn’t afraid of pimping on her colleagues and exposing them for what they are, which is a bunch of jungalists and gangsters. I know I am tired of seeing these politicians covering up one another’s dirty, it time somebody start bringing these things to the light and holding these people accountable.

  7. BP, Allyson is lower than a snake’s belly. You do not set up a friend and colleague for a foreigner.Obie might be a snitch, but he did not wear a wire. She is an informant. You cannot get that stench off of her. Stop trying BP. ” Lower than a snake Belly”, a senior FNM told me that.

  8. I think EVERYONE involved in the case is guilty in some way, shape or form. When a group of conspirators cannot come into agreement there WILL be backstabbing, finger-pointing and betrayal.

    Media says Allyson is a decent woman. Y’ALL PLEASE STOP TALKING @#**!!! Out of Pleasant, Tarino, Travolta, McDonalds, and Allyson Gibson, ALLYSON looks worse. She is a deceitful, sly, insatiable snake with the head of a trojan horse. She turned against her colleague, her political party (by calling the Obeah Man, Hubiggetty) and most disgraceful she turned against HER OWN COUNTRY. Someone said she did the right thing. This had NOTHING to do with her having morals; SHE COERCED this entire alleged extortion claim. She doesn’t want anyone to suck money out of Travolta because she wants to do all the sucking; SUCKER! I heard her firm didn’t have much business anyway. This was her opportunity to get more legal fees out of Travolta.

    AGAIN She is a deceitful, sly, insatiable snake with the head of a trojan horse. She now needs to be extradited the way she extradited ‘Ninety’. She is a disgrace to this Country. Allyson Gibson, you have done a wonderful job of making The Bahamas look like trash!

    • Well if Allyson is soo bad, please tell me where does that PUT OBIE? The man facilitated the extortion plot! This is incredible!

      Bahamas Press/editor

  9. @russel johnson no probs……yeah i remember that case very well it will all boil down to the tapes the jury can already see the man’s over zelous nature……I can see this one ending in a possible release for bridgewater and sentence for lightbourne i just cant believe she would be so callous as she should be a seasoned lawyer and politician.bush have ears and walls have eyes…… but as aristotle put it if its one thing I know is that I know nothing

  10. @tink we fool
    Thanks for the references.AS I have indicated b4 Ducille is setting the stage for a no case to answer after the prosecution closes its case.Mc Dummit allowed himself to be flustered and was acting like a Policeman instead of a lawyer/witness.It will be interesting to listen to the tapes and see if McDummit led the setup in putting questions to the accused to get them to commit to a crime.There are many rulings in the Bahamian Courts in relation to entrapment.One that comes to mind is Tom Ray McPhee alias Sean Adderley vs Commissioner of Police.Entrapment is not allowed in Courts in the Bahamas or the USA.

  11. What is at stake here is larger than the cast of misfits.
    Travolta has nothing to gain and as such nothing to lose. This is at worst become a black vs white issue and at best a Bahamas vs the USA issue. If this extortion goes unpunished, it will reflect badly on the Bahamas. its as simple as that.

  12. yeah they get precedent in R v loosley [2001] UKHL 53 and tiexeira he may be able to show that the intrevention of mcdermott encourage the defendants to commit the offence mc dermott acts are a kin to the agent provocateur she it loosley is house of lords and tiexeira Teixeira de Castro v Portugal (1998) 28 EHRR 101…see this case as well there are many potential outcomes ducille is setting the tempo and the barbarians are at the gate :Nottingham City Council v Amin [2000] 1 WLR 1071, 1076.

  13. These jokers are making it easy for Ducille to cast a negative light on this whole entrapment scenario. I still have to read the statutes but I question whether Bahamian law supports entrapment in the since that no breach of law may have occurred and there is no way of knowing whether one would have occurred had the particular circumstances not been created. The other question is of intent. We know to some degree that the Travolta people intended to entrap the accused but can we say with certainty that the accused intended to do anything particularly if Mcdermott initiated the conversation and indicated that they may be interested in paying some money. There is very little indication that Pleasant said anything definitive in her conversation with Mcdermott but he indicated that he knew it was extortion. Did he in fact entertain or encourage the extortion by asking for a meeting with the driver?

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