Sexy Loretta is responding as her Grandfather did many years ago. He challenged Royal Bank to hire the Native Negroes – COULD SHE BE THE NEW IRON LADY OF THE BAHAMAS?

By Loretta Butler-Turner
Assuming that this is true and authentic, this is what l must say.
Firstly, I would advise any Bahamian or resident of The Bahamas who has any money in this bank to withdraw every penny….without hesitancy. (KEEPING IN MIND THAT PENNIES ARE NO LONGER A PART OF OUR CURRENCY…..EXCEPT ON PAPER!)
So according to this notice, YOUR MONEY gets absolutely NOTHING/ZILCH/DA NADA.
FOR depositing your money in their Bank, essentially the value of your money is DEVALUED! Yes, devalued because of the various fees charged, you are paying them to keep your hard-earned money.
Even if you put your money in a rock hole or under your mattress it is more valuable than keeping it in RBC. (NO JOKING).
Flipside, your money is used for Loans and they incur INTEREST plus COLLATERAL from the Borrower. On top of this each month your REWARD for putting your money in their bank is taxed with service fees and all manner of other conjured fees.
Further, we were advised in the papers last week that BSD $20 banknotes will no longer be dispensed from the RBC ATM machines because it is too costly.
Seriously, they really need to close down and push put.
And to think that they extract such huge returns from our Bahamas Government. This is utterly unfathomable, unbelievable, and unconscionable…if true!