We thank Lisa Johnson for all her work in the Bahamas…

James Denver Herren, fresh out of an assignment as the Director of Contracts Management in Baghdad Iraq joins the U.S. Embassy Team in Nassau as the Management Counselor and assumed his duties as Chargé d’Affaires on November 9, 2017.
Mr. Herren previously served as the Deputy Director of the Joint Administrative Service Platform in Brussels. His other assignments include tours in Haiti, Muscat, Ulaanbaatar, Lusaka, and Wellington.
Mr. Herren holds a BA in Political Science and a MA in American Studies from Northeastern State University (NSU) in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. While currently a resident of Eureka Springs, Arkansas (located near Fayetteville), he grew up in Ochelata, a small town in the northeastern part of Oklahoma. Before joining the service, he worked a variety of jobs, including as a welder, a bar manager and a foreman on an Alaskan floating fish processor. While working on his masters, he taught entry level university classes on political science, became a police officer, and ran a congressional campaign.
Mr. Herren is married and has two daughters. He enjoys golf, hiking and watching American football.