Jeff Lloyd terminated the service of some 200 contracted workers


Parliament updated on the developments in Education….

Minister for Education Hon. Jeff Lloyd at podium.

NASSAU – BP is reporting some two-hundred of the more than 600 contracted workers within the Ministry of Education have been disengaged.

Education Minister Jeff Lloyd made the announcement in Parliament Monday afternoon.

The issue surrounding the contracted workers became a highly controversial topic during last year’s budget debate, when Lloyd revealed that the workers were engaged with no paperwork and that the proper procedure was not followed.

Lloyd claimed the employees were hired months before the election and the contracts should have ended on June 30, 2017.

“If we had honored those contracts, hundreds would have been out of a job – no longer employed – and the talk shows and everywhere else would have been saying, ‘it’s the people’s time’ and ‘this is what they did’,” Lloyd said.