Minister Jerome Fitzgerald blasts Peter Turnquest in Parliament after he sided with a parent who slapped a principal…


Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald has said the government will not tolerate violence against teachers or administrators…

The parent who attacked a teacher at Anatol Rodgers was the same person who appeared on national TV supporting Belinda Wilson to get rid of principal – WHAT KINDA JACKASS PARENTS THESE ARE BELINDA WILSON protecting over her teachers?

Nassau, Bahamas — Minister for Education, Science and Technology was unapologetic for his comments in defense of thousands of teachers around the country yesterday in the House of Assembly after East Grand Bahama MP Peter Turnquest defended a parent who, after she entered the school, slapped a Grand Bahama educator to the ground.

The thin-skinned Turnquest, in his contribution to the Prison Reform Bill, noted that the comments by Minister Fitzgerald in defense of teachers were indeed “unfortunate” and that the situation should have been handled differently.

Latoya Denise Williams, the mother who was arrested at Jack Hayward High School last month, was sentenced to six months behind bars for assaulting the principal.

Williams was given another six months after she failed to come up with the $884 the court ordered her to pay principal Yvonne Ward to compensate for broken eyeglasses and punitive damages.

But immediately following Turnquest’s bold attempt to support the violent parent, who is also a member of the Grand Bahama Free National Movement (FNM) Women’s Association, Minister Fitzgerald rose to his feet in the House and quickly, loudly and unapologetic-ally proclaimed that what he said outside Parliament he would again repeat in the House, and that he would apologize to no one for his comments!

He added that he now has the best job he has ever had and thanked Prime Minister Christie for appointing him to better education, support teachers and students across the nation.

He added that, under his leadership in Education, he will not sit idly by and allow anyone to enter the premises of schools and attack or get away with offending students, teachers or principals in our schools.

That attack incident occurred in the principal’s office after Williams, the mother of a 2013 graduate, was permitted on campus to see officials about her daughter’s transcript in early September. Williams is now serving time in jail.

Since then another parent/teacher attack incident has unfolded at Anatol Rodgers School in Southwestern New Providence. That second parent has been charged before the courts.

Bahamas Press though has several questions that must be answered:

1)  Why didn’t the FNM, and in particular Peter Turnquest, come to the aid and assistance of the mother after she piss slapped the principal and was facing a judge without a lawyer and penniless? Are there not plenty lawyers in the FNM who could of come to the woman’s before she was committed to prison?

2) And while on this topic of teachers getting assaulted, we are also wondering why did President of the Bahamas Union of Teachers, Belinda ‘Karuka’ Wilson – who is now in meltdown by the way – not come out and condemn the actions of the second parent – Angela Smith; who assaulted the special needs teacher at Anatol Rodgers?

BP has the answer to this second question. This parent was one of the same parents who stood with the small PTA group Belinda ‘Karuka’ Wilson orchestrated and tried using to oust decent Principal McPhee at Anatol. That same parent was seen appearing on Cable NB12 and in the Guardian. The teacher in question supported Principal McPhee along with 90% of other educators at Anatol. That is why Belinda has yet to make any rebuke following that incident!


When contacted by the media for comment on the Anatol Rodgers incident, all President Wilson could say was “I will wait to see the report”. Does Belinda Karuka Wilson condones violence? She would not even support her own member because that member did not support her in her silly hijacking quest to leave the children unattended and bring order to destabilize the leader at Anatol. How Shameless!

Teachers were heard cheering and slamming on the desk at the Jack Hayward High after Minister Fitzgerald rose to his feet to defend them! Belinda ‘Karuka’ Wilson should know teachers in the Bahamas are happy Fitzgerald is in office and not Peter ‘thin-skinned’ Turnquest.

BP has reported and now yinner know – WHAT IN THE HELL IS DIS!

Education Minister Jerome Fitzgerald reminded Parliamentarians and Educators that his government will not tolerate violence against teachers or administrators!

We report yinner decide!