John Pinder slams Bernard Evans after his abandonment of Cable Bahamas workers….


Bernard Evans fails to show up at even one meeting to help Cable Bahamas workers in two years – is Evans on the take against workers?

Bernard Evans and John Pinder fallout over abandonment of Cable Bahamas workers.
Bernard Evans and John Pinder fallout over abandonment of Cable Bahamas workers.

Nassau, Bahamas – An injustice is being committed against the workers of Cable Bahamas and for years now those Bahamians have suffered under the weight of oppressions as the Government has failed to make sure those Bahamians have proper representation in the workplace.

Just last week, while the nation’s attention was on the 43rdAnniversary of Independence, URCA announced its decision to grant NewCo a licence to offer mobile services in the country. NewCo is a subsidiary of Cable Bahamas.

Last week we reported how current President of the Bahamas Public Services Union expressed his disappointment in the government’s decision to award the Cable Bahamas a mobile licence when it clearly breached labour conventions in the country.

But Mr. Pinder didn’t leave his criticisms at the feet of the Government but threw BPCOU President, Bernard Evans under the bus.

“First let me say that I am extremely disappointed with the President of the BPCOU, Bernard Evans, who has neglected his duties in seeking that Cable Bahamas workers join into the labour movement so they can gain protection at that company.”

Sources at Cable Bahamas have told Bahamas Press how they have been paying union dues for up to two years – for that entire period as they started the process; however, they have been left without any help from Mr. Evans. “For two years the BPCOU President has failed to show up at a single meeting for Cable Bahamas. He has completely neglected us and this proves that even the people who claim to be fighting for workers are just a sham.

Mr. Evans could not be reached for comment.

Meanwhile the Government of the Bahamas, which holds the largest block of shares in Cable Bahamas, just does not give a damn about the rights of workers at Cable Bahamas. They don’t care if the company ever builds an infrastructure for its new mobile service and it does not have any fleeting interest to see who the players are now already deep inside NewCo.

Not to worry though, we at Bahamas Press have the names, and when we report yinner will decide!