Why didn’t the judge see the need to suspend the liquor license of the convicted Ash – who is also in Witness Protection?

NASSAU| A once Crown Witness, who suppose to be the Government’s Witness Protection Programme was charged today in the courts for violating the Emergency Orders of the PM.
Johnathan Ash and his lawyer Tamara Storr appeared in court this morning after he violated the Emergency Orders of the Country over the weekend.
Ash was captured with police protection serving rum to patrons of a bar while the country is on a 24hrs lockdown.
After pleading guilty Ash was charged $2,000 or 9 months for breaking curfew. And another $5,000 or one year for serving liquor.
Ash paid the $2,000 fine and was given until Friday for the balance of $5,000 to be paid.
But what about the senior police officer who aided Ash who we know is in the Government’s Witness Protection Programme? And now that he’s convicted, will Paul Rolle take away Ash issued handgun license?
Ash was the Government’s star witness who crashed and burned in the failed case against a former Cabinet.
We report yinner decide!