Joy Owens, former MP daughter, students talk about her slaying


n44701794_4002<<< North Little Rock High School’s East Campus English teacher 24 year-old, Joy Owens, was murdered on Tuesday morning. Joy is the daughter of former PLP MP Veronica Owens.

North Little Rock, Arkansas — Officials with the North Little Rock School District are not releasing a comment at this time, saying they’re focusing on the students at East Campus where Joy Owens taught. Owens had only been with the school since classes started in August, but left a lasting impression.

As kids got ready to go home, many are shook up after learning police found their English teacher, 24-year-old Joy Owens dead in her apartment Tuesday at 4:30 in the morning.

Alyiah Joseph is a ninth-grader and had Owens as a teacher. She says, “I was shocked she is so quiet and she seemed very innocent.”

Joseph says counselors are talking to students, but it’s a lot to deal with. “Ms. Owens was a very nice lady, always wore a smile. We always had fun and she made sure we understood everything clearly,” Joseph adds.

Sgt. Terry Kuykendall says, “It’s a tragedy, it’s a tragedy for her family, his family, the whole community.”

Kuykendall with the North Little Rock Police Department says 28-year-old Steven Russell Junior called 911, told them he’d shot Owens and to come get him.genthumb-5

Kuykendall explains, “During that interaction with him at the detectives division it was determined he was a convicted felon. Not only was he charged with murder first, he’s also charged with being a felon in possession of a fire arm. The gun was defaced, the serial number was filed off so, he’s charged with being in possession of a defaced fire arm as well.”
Kuykendall says when officers responded to Woodland Apartments, they found Owens lying on the living room floor, already gone.

Jerry Burnett is a 10th-grader. He didn’t have Owens as a teacher, but says she always talked to him in the hall. He says, “She was a really [a]  nice teacher and when I found out about it I felt bad for myself, to hear that, it is a real tragedy for me.”

Owens own words on Facebook, perhaps a glimpse of trouble yet to come. It reads, “… Life’s too short to be upset with people…My own life is really messed up right now!”

Russell received medals while in the Army, but left several years ago. In 2008 he received 5-years probation in Clark County for second-degree domestic battery of another girlfriend.

Russell is being held in the Pulaski County Jail. He’ll go before a judge Thursday morning.

Owens was a first-year English teacher at North Little Rock High School’s East Campus. ??The U.S. Army Human Resources Command says Russell was a mechanic stationed at Fort Sill, Okla., and that he enlisted in 2001. The year he left the Army was not available.


  1. I think it is ridiculous that this news artical went onto Joy Owens page and stated: “Owens own words on Facebook, perhaps a glimpse of trouble yet to come. It reads, “… Life’s too short to be upset with people…My own life is really messed up right now!””How dare the writer of this article make the assumption that Joy Owens’ life was messed up just because she posted something on facebook.  She could have been joking! If you know Joy Owens she loved to joke around, laugh, and smile.  I don’t think it is fair to her to talk about her with such speculation about her saying her life is messed up when the writers of this article know nothing about her, or what was going on in her life.I personally believe that the bahama press needs to think before they post an article and they need to understand that you are talking about someone’s family member, someone’s friend.  It may seem small, but making a false speculation about a person that can no longer defend themselves is NOT okay.

  2.  This was one of the hardest thing that all of the students @ East Campus had to deal with. It’s so hard to believe that you will not be here with us. Our little mind wonders alot. Why did this happen to you? why this?why that?? We love and miss you sincerly!!!

  3. I am shocked and saddened by this news. I was in the non-traditional licensure program with Joy and she was a delight. My prayers are with this family.

  4. This is awfully sad. This young woman held a lot of promise. I send my deepest and sincerest condolences to her family. May God bless and keep you in this time of mourning….

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