K Forbes-Smith Returns to Grand Bahama from Atlanta?


Kaye Forbes-Smith

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Freeport, Grand Bahama – Bahamas Press is now watching development in the northern Bahamas where sources deep in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs tell us, K Forbes-Smith, is back on Grand Bahama.

BP is still unclear as to why the Consul General has returned home from Atlanta for good. Sources in the Ministry tell us Smith will possibly run for the FNM in the upcoming general elections and could replace the Sarah Palin of the Bahamas better known as ‘Da Village Idiot’.

Bahamas Press believes elections are slated for February 7th – 2012. Prime Minister Ingraham told residents in the Parliament last week that after Christmas, they would only have two weeks to register.

Meanwhile, happening right now is a nasty fight within the rank and file of the FNM in the nation’s northern city.  Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham was on the island over the weekend to make his bid to ax key long serving MPs in the Party. Kenneth Russell, Vernae Grant and Neko Grant are just a few of the wutless MPs being axed by Papa’s deadly political blade.

Vernae 'Da Village Idiot' Grant will no more carrying the Torch? The Sarah Palin of the Bahamas is tricked again!

Ingraham wants to make way for new candidates like Forbes-Smith as he gets ready to sail into the sunset and leave the political scene.

High ups in the FNM however, will not have it and have vowed to lead the FNM into defeat if Ingraham is allowed ax senior leaders of the Party.

One High Rock general told BP, “If the FNM doesn’t want Kenneth, then we will have no choice but lead a ‘bloody political revolt’ inside the party and run Russell as an independent candidate. How could the former Chairman [Ingraham] of that other party, come in our Party and change our furniture here on Grand Bahama, when he did nothing to resuscitate us from the economic slide.”

One die-hard general on the island flew in a tantrum in front of the FNM leader as she told the PM, “You are a traitor to the FNM and this entire country! All you want to do is get rid of us original Cecilites like Russell to being in your Friends, Family and Lovers!” The charge sparked a heated response from the PM and before you knew it, the meeting at Mary Star of the Sea became divided down the middle.

The entire executive team of the Women’s Association in the FNM resigned from the Party last year as they were enraged at the thought of Forbes-Smith getting a nomination in the upcoming election.

We report Yinner decide.


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