KB don’t want Destra but he supports SAVE THE BAYS while he gets paid by foreigners?


Paid to UNDERMINE the COUNTRY! KB don’t want foreign acts – but he is being paid by a foreigner….

Kirkland Bodie KB hired by foreigners to write songs against the Government.
Kirkland Bodie KB hired by foreigners to write songs against the Government.

Dear Editor,

Someone must explain to me the rationale behind the comments of Kirkland Bodie [KB] about how he don’t believe there should be foreign acts in the Carnival. For me the argument is not here nor there.

KB – by his own admission – admits to be working for Save the Bays, a group funded by foreigners. In fact, he is paid more than $150,000 to sit on the board of Save the Bays while they continue to sell lies and destabilize the government of the Bahamas with their protests.

What makes KB not credible in my eyes is the fact that when Bahamas Junkanoo Carnival was first launched in 2015, he was critical of the event and then in a press conference acknowledged that “This [Carnival] is what Bahamian artists have long awaited for.” Then just days later resumed his position against the event [ that after being paid to join in an all Bahamian sponsored concert to kick off the Carnival season in 2015].

The fact remains: it is okay for KB to be paid by foreigners, but for him, it is wrong for Carnival to bring in foreigners. Something must be wrong with his head!
