Keith Bishop doing EIA for Oban Energies is a longtime friend of the Mosko Family…


James Thompson was the lawyer of record for Oban Energies back in 2009…He is PM Minnis’ relative…

Oban signing on Monday 19th has plenty hidden players who cannot come forth. PM Hubert Minnis and Oban Chairman Peter Kreiger.

Nassau – BP is getting more intel on the OBAN players and all indicators are pointing to a FRAUD!

We now have information which confirms that, James Thompson, the father of Minister of State for Grand Bahama Kwasi Thompson, was the lawyer of record for Oban back in 2009. Attorney James, yinner should note, is also the relative of Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis.

BP can also confirm that Keith Bishop, a longtime family friend of Johnny Mosko, has been appointed to do the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Oban Energies on East Grand Bahama.

We at Bahamas Press want yinner to watch this one closely. Anyone who knows their history in the Bahamas would remember that fatal shooting incident back in 1991, when Johnny Mosko shot and killed Clayton Dean. Dean was in the Camperdown area when Mosko shot him in the back, killing him with a Buffalo gun.

Now many people don’t know the history of these islands, but we at BP understand this country very well.

When Mosko jumped into the truck to shoot Dean, guess who was driving the truck? Yip. It was Keith Bishop, the same man now set to do the EIA for Oban Energies.

Bahamians should play close attention also to the fact that not one environmentalist in the country has spoken about this project, which was signed in a “Fraud by False Pretense” case on Monday 19th of February in the full glare of the Press and witnessed by the Prime Minister and Cabinet of the Bahamas.

But get this: The Attorney General’s Office, which is supposed to have oversight on such matters, was not privy to nor fully apprised of the Agreement between Oban and the Government of the Bahamas.

What in da hell is dis?We have a question for PM Minnis: “HAS SATPAL DHUNNA BEEN INTRODUCED TO PRIME MINISTER MINNIS, AS YET???

We report yinner decide!