Kelly’s Toyland Official Opening This Saturday


Free Face Painting at Kelly’s Toyland Opening. (Photo by Keith Parker, P.S. News)

Nassau, Bahamas -All the wonders of Christmas start to unfold at 12 noon Sat., Nov. 10 at Kelly’s Toyland’s Official Opening at the Mall at Marathon, reports Mrs. Shirley Paul, Store Manager.

The Bahamas Royal Police Force Band sets the mood for Santa and Snowbear to arrive at 12 noon at the nation’s largest retail store, now celebrating its 80th year in business.

The celebration continues until 5 p.m. with photos with Santa and Snowbear in the Fantasy Forest, free Bouncy Castle, face painting, pop corn, balloons and candy. Photos with Santa and Snowbear continue each Saturday at Kelly’s Fantasy Forest.

For the traditional start of Christmas for Nassau children, the huge store in the Mall at Marathon is fully decked with tree trimmings and all the most desired gifts for Christmas.

Remember, “Christmas would be unbearable without Kelly’s!”