Keod Smith is a real PLP and he will again help sail the Party to victory


Keod Smith, Former Ambassador to the Environment has now emerged as 'Chief Defender' of the Environment

Nassau, Bahamas – There were ‘Three Stooges’ on an evening show yesterday representing the Bahamas National Trust spewing lies and defending their WICKED decision to agree to the dredging now underway in the Exuma Land and Sea Park.

Maillis, Mckinney and Carey thought it necessary to save their ‘dutty’ names on radio yesterday after failing the Bahamian people and agreeing to allow a private developer to dredge deep into the world oldest no take zone.

Earl Deveaux, the minister at the centre of the dredging approvals, has become mute particularly after confirming that the BNT received $1 million in donations from the man carrying out the dredging exercise.

The group of men are not sanitized at all, and have abdicated their “TRUST” to guard the “Protected Spaces” of the Bahamas. Minister Deveaux has failed, Neil Mckinney has failed, Eric Carey has failed miserably and Pericillis Maillis need to get a real law degree and throw away that one he attained from the cracker jack box.

What this whole episode unfolding now in Exuma has done though is this; it has opened the eyes of the Bahamian public that there are but few, namely Keod Smith and several environmental watchdogs in Exuma and Andros, whom are the real protectors of the Environment.

Smith’s record of defending the environment goes without saying and was first etched in history when he launched a campaign to “SAVE CLIFTON”; for generations unborn. ‘Yinner’ remember that?

Prior to the 2002 general election Keod began a holy war against the FNM government, which was fixed on selling the prize land of Clifton to a private foreign developer. Smith said then it couldn’t happen, it will not happen and galvanized a ground war to say ‘NO TO THE SALE OF CLIFTON’. That debate ushered in the PLP as an environmentally friendly Party and which later captured local and international support.

At this same time not one word of support to STOP THE SALE OF CLIFTON was uttered by the then BNT leadership! They never supported the campaign nor offered any support to protect the land. HMMMMMMM!

Keod, former CZAR for the Environment then “politically beheaded” the then WUTLESS FNM leader Tommy Turnquest in that election, again making history forcing the FNM to become leaderless in the House of Assembly.

Some in the PLP must have also forgotten how Keod Smith held current FNM leader, Hubert Ingraham, hostage every time he stood in the Parliament, delivering cut_you_know_what after cut_you_know_what on Hubert every time he stood on the floor of the House.

Then there was the brawl in the Cabinet room, where Smith identified a traitor inside the PLP and he delivered his physical martial arts skills on now FNM MP, Kenyatta Gibson. For some reason though PLP leadership has forgotten that Keod is their only secret weapon with a record of bring down leaders in the FNM. But we go back to this Bell Island dredging.

Smith and Co. are demanding the project be stopped and warns both the ‘Helicopter Man’ Deveaux and Mugabe Ingraham to cease and desist their rape of Bahamian land! In fact, last week on a show aired on Jones and Co. Smith pointed out that there is nothing wrong with flying on a luxury helicopter, but he pointed to the direction the ride took Deveaux. Bell Island is in the southern Bahamas, but Deveaux took the ride to the northern Bahamas to a private event. INTERESTING INDEED!

Keod Smith is indeed BP’s Giant Slayer and public defender #1. We await his delivery of a CUT_YOU_KNOW_WHAT on the FNM and if they [THE PLP] gat any sense left, they would get on board.


  1. I agree 100 percent with “no problem with that” Mr. Keod Smith, if you must now be the spokesperson to save the environment, then by all means but please do not even think about being considered as a “PLP” candidate, save your dignity – “DON’T DO IT”!

  2. Keod is a true defender of the environment. And he is the first one that “smelled a rat” with Kenyatta Gibson. He is young and fearless. Ingraham does not like him at all!!!

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