Kevin Harris has been sacked by Guardian Radio for being bias!


Fired! Fired!! Fired!!! One FNM told BP: “I wonder if he was saved!”

GUARDIAN RADIO FIRES MINISTER K in his own words:  I received a phone call tonight from Brent Dean General Manager from The Nassau Guardian that the company was terminating my contract with Guardian Radio with immediate effect.

This means that my show “State of Affairs” will no longer be aired on Guardian Radio. Mr. Dean expressed to me the reason for my termination but I will withhold sharing this information at this time until I would have had an opportunity to dialogue with one of the principals.

Please know that I am and forever remain dedicated to Godly principals and industry standards and will continue to fight for the rights of Bahamians including those in the media to speak clearly and freely.

On that note I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my former colleagues at Guardian Radio and those at the Nassau Guardian, working with you guys have been an exciting and educational experience, I am forever grateful for the opportunity and for the great relationships I was able to establish, May God bless you all.

I would also like to thank my radio cabinet colleagues, Deran Thompson Sr. Thompson, Graham Weatherford and Celi Moss for helping to create one of the most dynamic round table discussions in talk radio history, it was indeed fun and wishing you guys all the very best.

I would also like to thank those of you in the audience who took the time to listen every time we aired including those who supported or disagreed, combined all of you helped us develop and produce a truly exciting and successful talk show.

Finally I would like to thank my wife, children and my family who were daily fans and a true source of encouragement and inspiration. I have informed them of this decision tonight.

As I was driving home the Holy Spirit whispered to my heart, “they can hire you but never retire you; they may fire you but never silence you”.

I will speak to this matter again shortly but for now I end with the declaration of my theme for 2015 “FOR GOD AND COUNTRY!!!” and with a song that is truly inspiring.