The Ministry advises the general public that it has received a communication from the Embassy of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, advising the Ministry of the apparent kidnapping of a member of its locally employed staff.
According to information received from the family of the long-time employee at the Embassy, the incident took place around 6:00 a.m. 1 September 2022 in the employee’s neighbourhood.
The matter has been reported to the police in Haiti and is being investigated.
Our prayers are with the victim and family for a safe and speedy return. We will assist the authorities to the extent that we can.
We are advised that the diplomatic staff generally are not at risk. However, additional security measures are being taken.
The Embassy will continue to monitor this situation along with the general security situation in the Port-au-Prince area, and advise the Ministry accordingly on recommended courses of action to take.
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