Kiki Knowles sacking by Prime Minister has shocked FNMs


Kay Forbes-Smith orchested the sacking of KIKI Knowles

Trouble brewing inside the FNM as PR TEAM is FIRED!!!

Nassau, Bahamas — Bahamas Press can now reveal from sources deep in the hierarchy of the Free National Movement that tremendous pressure was brought on the Leader of the FNM, Hubert Ingraham, by three very special women in his life.

His wife Delores who has been bitterly complaining that their daughter Keisha was unemployed and was unable for find work and was tired of living of her Father.

Former FNM Senator and Consul General to Atlanta Kay Forbes-Smith stumbled on the solution when she uncovered what she believed was a massive ripoff of the FNM by its Public Relations Agent, confidante, long time and very close personal buddy of Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, Aaron Kiki Knowles Jr.

Aaron Kiki Knowles

Hubert Ingraham seized the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and fired on the spot his long time confident and close friend. He informed the media houses that the new agents for the FNM would he a firm headed by his daughter and her foreign born husband.

BP sources also disclosed that Aaron Kiki Knowles was allowed to keep a very small assignment which he considers to be shameful, demeaning and a kick in the teeth.

The three close women in Hubert Ingraham life team up resulting in the dumping of Aaron Kiki Knowles; the number one FNM hatchet now being humiliated and reduced to a mere bumper fly.

We report yinner decide!


  1. Very bad.

    It is a pity that a regular hard-working Bahamian has to be fired so that Hubert’s daughter can work. It is believed that he has enough money to take care of many, many Bahamians. I think that the job is for his son-in-law rather than his daughter.
    I am going to be glad when this election is all over and the road work is COMPLETED.

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