The FNM should get rid of their torch symbol and stop starting fires!

NASSAU| If you listened to the new FIRE CHIEF deep inside the FNM (Kwasi Thompson) in Parliament this week, you would think the FNM has never had the chance to Govern The Bahamas.
Further, you would believe Thompson and the FNM never held representation for the People of Grand Bahamas especially in the last disastrous FNM term in Office.
Thompson came to Parliament this week to talk about FIRES. He gave a detailed account of the fire on Grand Bahama this week and was able to count the lampoles torched in the flames. AMAZING EH?!
Now readers should note that FNMs representing Grand Bahama Island are not new. For the last 40 years 85% of the Grand Bahama Members of Parliament have been FNM MPs.
In the 2017 General Elections The FNM collected all five seats on Grand Bahama (ALL FIVE) and they never built one FIRE STATION for the island. In fact, while in power for four disastrous years, amidst plagues, hurricanes, the pandemic and a broken economy, the FNM did absolutely nothing to better the lives of Grand Bahamians. (YINNER IN THE NORTHERN CITY LOVE BAD TREATMENT)!
Grand Bahama sent five MPs Parliament, and made three (Under Hubert Minnis) members of the Cabinet. One was Deputy Prime Minister before leaving office in disgrace [after raising vat to 12%] in November 2020 as the Minister of Finance! And in the end of the saga of the last FNM defeat and ejection out of office, even the then East Grand Bahama MP said that the FNM was a disaster.
Peter Turnquest concluded, as he contributed in the 2020 Mid-Year Budget Statement Debate, that more than a year and a half after Hurricane Dorian laid waste to parts of Abaco and Grand Bahama, that it is a “national embarrassment” that many of his constituents (UNDER THE MINNIS FNM) still have to sleep in camping tents, exposed to the elements and insects, while 40 domes were sitting in containers in High Rock under the FNM.
Kwasi Thompson forgot how his Government failed to produce one fire truck for the people of Grand Bahama. And the WUTLESS MEDIA IN THE BAHAMAS FORGOT THIS!
The Davis Government not only continued building up the fire station on Grand Bahama constructed under PM Perry Christie, but also brought in more trucks to the island following that disastrous last term of the FNM!
What equally concerns Bahamas Press is how even PLP MPs sitting in the chamber listening to Thompson give his version of events as (APPOINTED FIRE CHIEF) sat and endured the diabolical nonsense!
If Kwasi Thomspon really wants to help Grand Bahama to avoid fires, he should have encouraged residents to stop throwing bottles out their vehicles which ignite dry bushes and discourage rogue FNMs from lighting these bush fires. And if readers didn’t know someone started a fire in Abaco this week also! And don’t take our word for it – follow FNM Roscoe Thompson III who reported the same live at the fire scene on facebook and said the fire was ignited by residents.
We report yinner decide!