Kwasi Thomspon forgot his FNM Government did not build one home for Bahamians in his last term in office – NOT ONE!


Did Michael Pintard set up Kwasi Thompson on the Housing argument in Parliament?

The Davis administration is building new homes in the Renaissance at Carmichael subdivision. Here just last month Davis issued keys to new homeowners!

NASSAU| FNMs have once again proven in Parliament today how much they HATE BAHAMIANS!

Today former Finance Minister and MP Kwasi Thompson debated the midyear budget and took on the argument of Housing in the country. 

In his debate Thompson went on to argue how there is a Housing Crisis in the Country. But how could Thompson forget how his government did nothing to help the situation.

The facts are the former FNM Government that both Michael Pintard and Kwasi Thompson served didn’t build one house for Bahamiams.

The facts are, with all of the displacement from Dorian and with all the homelessness following the pandemic, the Free National Movement didn’t see the need to provide a single home for Bahamians – and yet they are now in Parliament talking about Housing Crisis?

The Davis administration in The Bahamas is working to expand access to affordable housing for Bahamians. This includes building new homes, reducing costs for first-time homeowners, and offering a rent-to-own program. 

Since Philip Davis KC government came to power in 2021, his government has constructed hundreds of homes for Bahamians. His government has reduced unemployment, it has kickstarted the economy, delivering record breaking guest numbers to the country. The Davis government regularized and hired thousands of young Bahamians, proving that the Davis Government has done far more to better the lives of Bahamians in three years than the former FNM Government did in an entire term!

There is not a housing crisis in the Bahamas. But there is a political crisis deep inside the FNM.

We report yinner decide!