Lady Edith Turnquest has died in London


London is now the place for news <<< Bahamas Press can now confirm Lady Edith Turnquest has died….May she rest in peace…..


  1. I thought I would have seen apology notes to BP already. I guess they are to shame to withdraw their comments. Obviously, some people dont know the Turnquest family well enough. Carl Bethel those should be ashamed and stop making bad judgement calls as the FNM Chairman. Now may Lady Edith Turnquest Rest In Peace

  2. This story should be taken down. This should not be a competiton about who got the story first. This is grossly inaccurate.

  3. The WUTLESS media cannot get word out f London on the status of Lady Turnquest, Hmmmmm. None, not even the might ZNS could text or get commentary from the minister of national security who is about to leave London. If what they suggests is true against our report gathered from doctors in both London and Nassau then Tommy should be able to send members of the press a formal statement on the matter.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. s i reiterated earlier this story is inaccurate i immediately called a close family member to give my condolences after i read it.and was to embarrased after i was relaible informed that this report was not factual,and they informed me to call love 97 which i did.and then i immediately informed this please adhere to proper protocal and remove it until family gives update on status.i personally have no agenda but the truth.

  5. Please stop publishing this unconfirmed nonsense and take this story down from your site. She is alive and still fighting for recovery. Although we know this for a fact, stories like this are very hurtful to family and friends who really care about her. Be more responsible BP!

  6. BP you are really sad.

    You cannot jump the gun and ‘confirm’ a death BEFORE the family inform you there has been one. Let any confirmations come from the family first and foremost…

    Classic BP…low and reckless.

  7. Are you sure she has passed? I am hearing different! Unconfirm reports is that she is doing well. If she has, she was definitely an Angel in disguised.

  8. She is not dead!!…I wish the press would stop spreading news they know nothing about…find the accurate source then confirm news…smarties

    • Anonymous before we broke the story of her illness you didn’t even know she was in London. However, BP does not seek to wrangle in this time of sadness nor are we willing to fight over the passing of a wonderful soul. All we ask of you is this, pray for the Turnquest family and wait for the news to come from those whom we all know are always “LATE AGAIN!”

      May she rest in peace…

      In the midst of DEATH there is JOY and Despite this day of sadness, BP’s man is with Cameron’s team inside the fortified gates of 10 Downing Street tonight celebrating a wonderful dinner with the new Prime Minister of Great Briton.

  9. I have always admired Lady Turnquest. I had the privilege to have met her and be on a committee with her. I always looked up to her, and marveled at the energy she had. Her beauty, dedication and strenght should be an inspriation to all Bahamian woman. Lady Turnquest will be sadly missed. My condolences to Sir Orville, their children and the entire family.

  10. A GIANT of a woman! She has inspired many persons throughout the Bahamas and indeed will be greatly missed. May she rest in peace. She will be missed. May God continue to strenghten her entire family.

  11. Heartfelt sympathy is extended to the family at this time. Know that weaping may endure for a night but joy surely cometh in the morning. It is our prayer that God will bring you comfort in this your time of bereavement.

    Romeo Farrington and Family
    Romeo’s Executive Limousine Services

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