Lady Pindling hints her bid to campaign/run in the next general elections


lady-p<<< Lady Marguerite Pindling, widow of former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling, speaks out at party council meeting.

Nassau, Bahamas — Slamming hard her party and taking a pledge to fight once again for the Bahamian people, Lady Marguerite Pindling, widow of former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling, told members of the Progressive Liberal Party that she is prepared to fight for the Bahamian people once again. Her comments came during a heated party council meeting on last week Thursday.

Putting on her swagger Lady Pindling asked what was the party doing to rescue the Bahamian people from the calamities that have now fallen upon them? “Where is the PLP?” she asked party members.

“What are we doing? Where is the PLP in all this? Are we rolling over and playing dead in silence against the people who stood up straight in this country?”

“We have to fight and stand strong! We don’t need any weaklings, not now, too much is at stake, the FNM has lead this country for the past two years to hell on a one way ticket!” she said receiving applauds from the audience.

Signaling a possible run in the next general elections, Lady Pindling told officers gathered at Sir Lynden Pindling Centre, “I had to come [out] and fight, cause I do not recognize this party anymore. I am ready to fight and I am ready to win!” she added.

Churning her message in the packed room like the former father of the nation, Lady Pindling added that if Hubert Ingraham can came out of retirement so can she.

“Mr. Leader, I am ready to march and fight when you are…..did you hear me Mr. Leader!?” she said turning to Perry Christie. The offer brought loud screams and applauds by party officials.

Sir Lynden recently became the target of barrage of editorial attacks by a local morning daily. The articles prompted a protest outside the newspaper paper offices, where threats were made against the Managing Editor.

Politicos inside the PLP believe the editorials have sparked an awaking of the base in the organization, however a source within the party still believes a Christie bid for the office of prime minister – whenever an elections are called – will not be strong enough to beat an FNM machine.

“We have a leadership issue in our party and the words of lady Pindling tonight certainly brought back great memories of how  strong the party was under Pindling,” the member said.

Lady Pindling served as the chief political adviser to Sir Lynden for more than 40 years and is believed to have had a sway on many party internal matters during that period. She has also served as deputy to the governor general under the one term Christie administration.


Could the name Pindling appear on the ballot once again? Lady Pindling advises PLP council members that she is prepared to fight against the injustices now being committed against Bahamians under Ingraham’s FNM administration. Her comments came during a meeting last week at the party headquarters. Seen in this photo are members of the PLP in a sea of yellow at Clifford Park in 2007. (file photo)


  1. @canesfins
    Let me break it down for you, who in the party is David Axelrod or Karl Rove? The PLP has NONE! For the FNM it’s Arron Kiki Knowles.

    Who is the PLP’s Strategist? IT HAS NONE!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  2. Well your comment regarding a strategist goes to the effectiveness of the executive branch of the party IMHO.

  3. @canesfins
    Now with this comment here you are almost on point Canesfins. But let me take it further. We wrote an article some months back on the PLP having two problems. Those problems are a LEADERSHIP (THE LEADER) problem, and the LACK OF A Strategist within the organization. YOU’LL HAVE NONE!!!

    The mix/mingle and communication things are minor problems. Getting drunk is one thing, that’s the easy part. But if you get the RIGHT BEER FIRST ya straight! GET THE POINT?

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. Objective – One of the problems the PLP has is the lack of events to mingle at. The PLP does not do a good job any more with community events. It also does not do a good job communicating with the public at large. There are serious issues that need to be fixed within the party before anyone can hope to win the votes of the Bahamian electorate.

  5. Objective thought,

    I agree with you. The younger politicians really do not know how to mingle with this young age PLP. Even though they themselves are young, from my personal view, they rely on older constituents to do their campaign, etc., for them.

    Can you imagine some of these privileged “politician wannabees” entering homes in the Grants Town or East Street area? Or even still accepting a drink of Kool Aid like some of the older folks like to offer when you visit their homes?

    No! they have all become sooooo biggggg that they send their front man to do the work for them, do their “meet & greet’.

    They better learn to mingle as these persons are observing their every moves and are taking advice from their educated children. There is no longer that loyalty to party like that of the Pindling era.

  6. @ronica7
    I like Paul Moss’ style too but I have one problem with him and many other members in the PLP party.. When I go out to the various events, the MPs and other persons who intend to be candidates don’t mingle with the new persons who come out.. They spend all of their time talking to the people they already know…

    They need to make themselves known to the new faces in the crowd and strike up conversations with those persons so that they can make more friends and become better known which would in turn increase their popularity and indeed their chances of becoming or remaining MPs!!

    The younger politicians have no idea how to become known as down-to-earth people like the older politicians did.. That is something the younger politicians can learn from the older ones!!!

  7. In the bahamas, after you have attained the age of fourty you become obsolete. While i do subscribe to the view that the old must make way for the young, I also believe that the young must be willing to fight for it.

    When i was eleven years old i remember Fred mitchell teaching me at centreville primary. From that time to this he has been in the fore-front

    Say what you like about Paul moss but I would hazard a guess that most bahamians have heard about him. Thats someone willing to fight for what he wants

  8. I listened to Jerome Fitzgerald and was surpried that he put his foot in his mouth.The youngsters will have their day but must earn it.None are willing to go to Rawson Square and lead protest against the EMR school issue.In GB a protest their should and would draw large crowds.Unfortunately for the Police in that Island now a young officer in his quest to show his mettle picked the wrong target the numbers racket.What advice did he give on how the barbil matter should have been handled.Instead of his career being propelled its ruined.The young must learn from the old so all of this bullshit talk about young men taking the reins now is hogwash.A person like Lady P has a track record of involvement in opposition politics and should be used as a sounding board.Too many issues and no responses could lead to a radical group emerging.They kick all the experience from Immigration,Customs and the Police and to compensate brings back a bunch of old women who have the ability to be used as sounding boards but no,make them the Boss and all are older than Christie and Ingraham.THe PLP needs a strong Deputy Leader to help the transition from old to younger in 2017.

  9. @Russell Johnson
    I am getting a little tired of hearing the younger supposed candidates for the next general election going on talk shows and disrespecting the older members and MPs in the PLP party!

    They come across as being hungry for power or control. They would go on talk shows and say that they have the most respect for the PLP’s leaders on one hand while disrespecting them on the other by saying that they are bankrupt of new ideas and that they have served their time so they should move on when age has nothing to do with having or not having new ideas!!

    I am calling for those persons to cease and desist!!

    I find what they are doing very distasteful and disrespectful!! People are not bankrupt of ideas because they are old or have served for a long time!! People do get complacent and laid-back though!!

    And if those younger persons in the PLP feel like the older folks especially our leaders are too complacent and laid-back, then they should say so and stop using silly reasons to try to explain why the older leaders should quit politics!! They don’t come across as strong leaders in waiting if they can’t say how they really feel!!

    Everyone knows by now that I support PC remaining our leader going into the next election but he needs to be a little stronger outside of parliament now because people won’t listen to him later if he does not make a stand now!!

    We need the young and the old in our party and I do not support the idea of kicking the older persons out and replacing them with younger persons just for change sake!! That does not mean that those younger persons will have better or new ideas….

    FNMs used to like making fun of all those old people in the PLP but today they find themselves in the same position and I bet it’s not funny to them anymore!!

  10. If the FNM is fumbling the ball and the PLP is not capitalizing on these fumbles it could only be due to the failure of mr.Christie to lead.Bahamians must accept the truth that both Christie and Ingraham are putting a CON on us.Christie and Ingraham are the Bahamian version of Bonnie and Clyde.They lack vision or a plan for the Bahamas.They have no cofidence in us.Ingraham and Christie only desire is political power,nothing else matters.

  11. I think in recent times we have missed the point. The point is the average Bahamian on the street really doesn’t care who the leader of the PLP is, because as far as they are concerned it doesn’t make a hill of beans difference,… they are still ineffective. The average man on the street is trying to cope with the current struggles and realities of job loss, hunger, nakedness, homelessness, hopelessness, and every other challenge that exist, right now the thought of the nonsense the politicians are running on with does not even matter. If the truth be told, no political party has the ability right now with its current leaders and personalities to inspire the Bahamian people to buy into a vision that can move our country forward. And what is worst, many of the so call younger persons in the PLP who want to be leaders are only coming forward for selfish reasons. Either you have to be affluent, or ready to wheel and deal, nothing to do with the people fo the Bahamas, the criteria is no longer love of country, or love for the people of the Bahamas, it’s about greed, power and prestige. How unfortunate, we the Bahamian People are in a quandary. Now if Lady P who fought in the times when Bahamian People needed a voice, she knows the way and she can organize, then I say Lady P, continue to energize the base of the PLP and the Bahamian people at large, we need someone to fight on our behalf and look out for the small man, isn’t that a fundamental belief of the PLP’s constitution. I say kudos to Lady P, continue the fight!!

  12. @JR
    JR I had the same thoughts.. Media is grasping at straws again..

    I gather that she is willing and ready to MARCH and PROTEST in the streets at a moment’s notice!!! I did not see any hint at running for public office…

    In my opinion she was saying that PC is letting the PLP die a slow and painful death and he needs to wakeup NOW and return to the old days of the PLP when it was known as the people’s party!!

    In other words she does not see the PLP doing what they should be doing with the FNM fumbling the ball so badly and the PLP is not capitalizing on NONE of their fumbles!!! It’s a WAKEUP call to the leaders in the PLP who seem to be falling fast asleep and it’s a wakeup call to all PLPs to stand up for their rights!!!

  13. The idea that Lady P is “hinting at running for the PLP or even for leadership is another one of those stretchy strechies by Media and the boys at Bahamas Press. If it wasn’t for the fact that the snakes in the PLP are once again toting their own news out of Council, I would call this stupid. Unfortunately, Media has it down almost word for word. The PLP won’t go anywhere if the loose lips stay on the ship. With that said Media, all Lady P was doing was trying to motivate the party to do something and to get off their hands. The fight for Christie’s post is making all of them forget what their real job is.

  14. My my our stateslady has come out of hibernation.See what Marquis cause?The base of the PLP is energised and the Pingdomites are loose.So many issues that the Govt seems frozen with fear and inaction.EMR school scandal that has just about finished off Carl Bethel who could not act because it would have been conflict of interest.He let his son flee to school overseas so he had to let Birbal the sissy flee as well.Perrry Christie and Mother Pratt are too soft to lead an opposition at this time so one or both must go and make way for BJ Nottage who seemingly has the support of young people in the PLP.Bradley talking,Rigby talking,Paul; Moss talking Coleby talking now Lady P.This will be an interesting summer.

  15. Media,

    I do not think that going to run for any leadership …I believe that she was just there to give the party most needed advice..and I dare say that the advice is much needed at this time in the PLP Lady Pindling has much knowledge and wisdom that is needed at this time ….And the more that she gives I will hope that the current leader soaks up in his head.

  16. Bahamas Press please link onto and then tab onto T’dad Express,read the article titled”315 m rescue-govt digs deeper to bail out CL companies in the Caribbean.”You will see where the Trinidad government has agreed to bail out policy holders in the eastern Caribbean to the tune of 50 million American dollars.I want to know from your reliable sources if our prime minister was able to obtain a similar agreement from the Trinidad government for Bahamian Clico policy holders.If the prime minister was successful when will he break the good news?If he was unsuccessful,please let us know if the prime minister fought for Bahamian Clico policy holders.Did the prime minister pointed out to the Trinidad government that they cannot rescue the eastern Caribbean policy holders and discriminate against Bahamian policy holders.Finaally,Bahamas Press when is the Commissioner Of Police going to arrest some one for breaking and flaunting our country CENTRAL BANK LAWS?By the way to break these laws is a CRIMINAL OFFENCE.

  17. She should just go ahead and challenge Christie’s leadership at the party’s next convention. Show him up so to speak.

  18. Lady Pindling is a fighter with more courage and BALLS than a Christie and Ingraham combine.Bahamians are crying out for a wise,compassinate,effective and hard working leader.we need a leader who listens to our pleas and does their best to empower us.We want a leader that has faith in Bahamians and will not sell us out.Ingraham is failing us every day and the FNM doesnot have anyone with the guts to tell him to go back in retirement.Christie lacks the fire or some might say zeal to defeat the FNM.So,i say come on lady Pindling come fight on our behalf because we no longer have men who are willing to put Bahamians first.Lady Pindling we remember how you and your husband defeated many of the Bahamas past enemies and we know since your love for us burns strong that with GOD’S help you can destroy our new enemies!We await your return to the battle field.FOR GOD AND COUNTRY!

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