Oswald Brown Writes

IS LAING JOKING? : More and more I’m beginning to think that Zhivargo Laing is losing his mind. I notice that he is running a ad on Facebook announcing a “leadership seminar” that he is conducting in Freeport on October 18 with an admission fee of $75. Leadership seminar?
There is a great Jewish word, chutzpah, which has “gall” and “nerve” among its definitions, but loosely translated it means “balls.”
Laing continues to prove that he has more chutzpah than a homosexual at a conservative Tea Party convention.
Who in their right mind would pay $75 to hear him explain how as an inept and incompetent Minister of State for Finance, he along with mentor, former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, as Minister of Finance totally mismanaged this country’s economy? Leadership seminar? Don’t make me laugh.