Laing Given "One More Chance" to Come Clean


By: Hon. Frank Smith

In Parliament on February 13th, 2008, I asked certain questions of the Minister of State for Finance, Hon. Zhivargo Laing concerning his involvement, if any, in the importation of the Mona-vie Drink by a relative of his.

Minister Laing refused to answer the question and promised to provide what he called “a full report”.

Subsequent to the February 13th, 2008, Parliament met twice but on neither occasion did Minister Laing present his “full report”. In an address to the 50th Convention of the PLP, I made a lengthy reference to the fact that the wait was on a “full report” from Minister Laing. My speech was carried live on three (3) television stations, several radio stations and via the internet. Subsequently it was reported on in the print media and seems reasonable to presume that this was a wide enough circulation, for Minister Laing to have been reminded of his obligation he owed to the Bahamian people.

Yet nothing happened.

In Parliament on Wednesday February 27th, 2008 I returned to the subject and was pleased by Minister Laing’s assurance that the “full report” was prepared. However, I was amazed by his assertion that he was not in a position to present it, because he had to follow what he called “the government agenda”. Mr. Laing implied that somehow his cabinet colleagues were preventing him from doing the right thing, that of honoring his promise.

On Thursday February 28th, 2008 the Bahama Journal became the first newspaper to demonstrate the view that the circumstances warranted a front page lead story and carried a banner – “Minister Under Pressure”. That same afternoon Minister Laing made a statement in parliament, which was reported on Mar 1, 2008 by the Bahama Journal – “Laing Denies Wrongdoing”. This opportunity is taken to publicly asked Minister Laing, whether his statement in parliament represents “the full report” which he had promised.

This opportunity is provided before my colleagues, and I begin commenting in detail on the substance of his statement to Parliament and he is encouraged to accept it as another chance to “come clean” .


  1. The fact of the matter is boys and girls, that unfortunately, to get get anything done in this country you have to go to the top. why do PLPs want a PLP government otherwise that to be sympathetic to them, or the FNM for that matter? Cut the political bullcrap because we will all get shafted when Cuba eats our lunch! Petty and stupid is what this phantom scandal is…

  2. I know that I have been harshly critical of Bahamas Press in the past for glaring spelling and grammatical errors made. But I just wanted to say that despite my criticisms, I think this is a very good source of current news and I truly appreciate the effort that’s being made to be innovative in areas where the major outlets are still way behind.

    Tough Love is still Love 😉

    Keep up the good work man

  3. Is it “not that serious” because he is an FNM? Wrong is wrong, or is like the DPM said “small things”. So now thats Laing, Foulkes (Stephens’ Close scandal), and Symonette (Port conflict of intrest). The list keeps growing. So much for the “Trust” agenda and a year has not past. And the normally loud P.M. is quiet on all of this.

  4. I don’t think this is “nonsense” at all. Also we should not “move along..” until this has been properly addressed.
    Look at the time wasted on reviewing contracts already properly ratified and signed. Look at the jobs lost because of that “nonsense”.
    This goes to the heart of the matter of “TRUST” which the FNM ran on. The fire getting a lil bit hot?

  5. What is this nonsense, eh? Can we move along please? This is not that serious, certainly not as serous as rape, or transferring government land to your own private company. This is politics, and I dislike those guys even more, if that is possible, because of it…

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