Laing paid Maynard’s mechanic forty-three thousand for an incomplete bathroom


Another septic of waste by the former Ingraham Government. Mechanic granted contract but failed to complete after being paid all the money...

FNM Chairman, the man selling bed for sex, must explain how public money vanished.

Maynard’s Mechanic ran off with the public money and failed to complete a bathroom! – Revelations of the Backside Rape of the Treasury continues…

Nassau, Bahamas — Sources deep in the know in a government operation have shown Bahamas Press some damning documents which prove blatant abuse of the public purse was the way of the former Ingraham government.

Readers would remember the former government agreed to allow a $50,000 sum to be extended to Members of Parliament towards projects in their constituencies.

Sources have confirmed to us, and we have no reason to doubt the veracity of them, that the Ingraham government extended some $43,300 out of the Treasury Department to pay a mechanic to build a bathroom on Bacardi Park.

It is unbelievable!

This week Bahamas Press visited the lavatory and what we uncovered is indeed criminal.

Even after getting paid the full amount, the mechanic ran off with the public money and failed to complete the job, the contract for which was granted only days before the May 7th general elections.

Laing must explain how money authorized by him and paid by the government never delievered the work!

The facility is unmanned still, locked and closed from public use. What a disgrace!

But it gets worse.

Bahamas Press also understands the former Minister of State, who was in charge of the programme, paid another henchman of Charles Maynard six thousand seven hundred dollars [$6,700] to purchase and install an artificial fountain feeding a pond to be placed on Roberts Drive in Coral Heights West.

We also visited that proposed site and guess what? Nothing is at the location. Money has vanished from the public purse and Charles Maynard and Zhivargo Laing cannot account.

The scandal now unfolding proves that there were no checks and balances in place on the constituency allowance payments and also has exposed the double standards practised in the Ministry of Finance under the former regime.

For while Christie, Davis, Gray, Sears, Hanna-Martin and others were all being turned around by the Ministry for proposed projects in their constituencies, wholesale thievery and a mad raid of the purse was being exercised by the FNM MPs who have yet to account for monies expended.

Bahamas Press calls for a Parliamentary Inquiry into these and other matters and to force an accounting to be done to track down and trace where public funds went and how they were expended. The public has a right to know where in the hell its limited funds went.

We report yinner decide!