Laing's Deception to Parliament REVEALED!!!



<<<Click to Download a PDF copy of the document by LAING

We’ve always wondered WHY MEMBERS OF THE WUTLESS MEDIA present articles to the people of this country and not include EMPIRICAL evidence. Bahamas Press has been supplied with a copy of the tabled BTC document much spoken of by Zhivargo ‘Cry Baby Sour’ Laing in the House of Assembly last week.

We at Bahamas Press saw his antics in the Parliament -though excellently presented – as a tirade of MISINFORMATION, DECEPTION and FRAUD! Bahamas Press can confirm that the document presented by Laing, was constructed by a member of the board of BTC on Jan 20th, 2009. An officer at the corporation confirmed to Bahamas Press the tabled document was indeed generated at BTC.

Bahamas Press said when the released was made in the House of Assembly that it could not have been instructed by Bradley Robert former minster of works, because it was on Feb. 21st, 2006, when Perry Christie removed all authority at BTC from Roberts and transferred it to Marcus Bethel.laing-dscf8364.jpg

However Laing forgetting to connect the dots MISLED PARLIAMENT and the Country! He suggested that Roberts as minister responsible for BTC just before the elections, sought to hire a list of persons at the corporation.

However we at Bahamas Press would not seek to inject any additional conclusion on the copy of the document (ABOVE). We simply wish for you our many readers to draw your own conclusions. Here is something members of the WUTLESS MEDIA would never allow their readers to see.


  1. BP since you have no set the standard, I hope that you will have the document that was laid on the table in the House today by Obie Wilchcombe concerning the track record of Hubert Ingraham firing people. Looking forward to it.

  2. Morehands :I must have been gone for a while. Can someone tell me what is meant by 10/45? It has a nice ring to it. I assume it refers to Min Laing, but why?
    Drama, “BIG GUNS” LOL I take that as a compliment. Thanks Bro. Yeah, HAI had me fly back early, just so I can help Laing work through this situation like I did to help him get the heat off from the Mona Vie case. I’m good at what I do. We have to protect our next maximum leader at all cost. (I think that is what you want to hear me say).

    Morehands you come back and pissing off everyone, man…lol….and YES, its exactly what I wanted to hear……..good day to you Morehands…I am putting on one glove at a time.

  3. @JR
    Olive branch accepted.

    Thanks JR and Child of 60’s for the explanation. As you can tell, I have so personal dealings with Laing. I just don’t like to see bad things happen to innocent people (caused by any political, social or ethnic persuasion).

  4. Morehands :
    I’m glad you got all that off your chest. Wheeww!! Now you can have a great day.
    Its obvious that both of us keep missing each other’s point. I don’t care about the validity or proof of any list and I never asked for it. I just think that making it public when it doesn’t directly concern any of us is a selfish position to take – Laing or Media. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
    But JR, that is not why you made such a long ramble. I think you were calling out for more than just a response. I think its time for a Bahamas Press group hug.
    Here’s just for you JR….. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
    You’ve just been hugged. Go on now Big Boy, have a very refreshing day.
    (PS: Don’t blame me if you don’t have a passport and Paradise Island isn’t considered a foreign country. Perhaps if you travelled more you will see that the world is bigger than the size of your bottom lip and the world really doesn’t revolve around you and your fetish to see people’s business all over the internet)

    My brother, my passport has its share of stamps in it and while Madrid isn’t there yet, this big old Bahamian lip fella has dragged his shoes on that side of the world a time or two before and will do so again. That is the same thing that makes you come off as a wannabe. I don’t have to tell you where I went to school, or how many degrees I have or where I vacation or go for work related conferences and meetings. But you do, so who’s begging for that validation? Come on More Hands, give it up man.

    The point you missing is that because the list was already made public in the House and that it can easily be collected by anyone asking for it, BP is obliged to publish it. I really don’t mind saying it this way but I don’t care about the names on the list at all. If they want to be upset, they can be upset with 10/45 for giving BP something to print in the first place. I think the other list should be published too because too many people hide their dirt in the dark and too many of you guys follow these wicked people as long as you can say you didn’t see their dirt. I’m still waiting to hear you justify what Laing tried to do.

    Tell you what. I won’t allow sarcasm or hard feelings to strip the decency from this discussion any more so how about we repost and agree that the personal stuff ends. I know I can run on for days with this but it may be another case of us continuing the same behavior that has our country in the state that its in now. How about we be a bit more civil seeing that that was the theme of the first 90% of your post. LOL. I can take the chaffing but if you’re going to be holding out an olive branch of civility, do so genuinely and leave the last bit off. Unless you expect me to be 90% nice to you too and then savage you with the last 10%.

    What do you say More Hands? Or shall we continue scrapping? Here’s another bone for you to chew on, in a good way. The 10/45 name for Cry Baby Laing originated on the PLP site when a blogger suggested new nicknames for Laing. Juiceman came up too and soon people were juxtaposing the two and now he is known as 10/45 Juiceman and a suggestion was made that whenever the HOA meets, people should honk their horns at 10:45 AM just to let the Juiceman know what time it is. LOL. I think it was all in good fun and nothing that a fella who isn’t thin skinned can’t take.

  5. Morehands ::I must have been gone for a while. Can someone tell me what is meant by 10/45? It has a nice ring to it. I assume it refers to Min Laing, but why?

    Bcos mona vie is 10/45 on rates and each time the clock hits 10:45 a.m/p.m you are required to blow your vehicle horn ten times(10) in disgust at the clear case of nepotism.I am happy that you love the ring now toot your car horn to get a better appreciation for it.Perhaps at council meetings you can mention it but dont be near 10/45 as he has a tendency for violence.He picking on Bradley Roberts bcos he was not present.His attack now is one that he was not man enough to make during the 1997 to 2002 period while Roberts was in the HOA.10/45 must either substantiate his charge or resign.It is ironic how ones sins just follow if not resolved.

  6. @JR
    I’m glad you got all that off your chest. Wheeww!! Now you can have a great day.

    Its obvious that both of us keep missing each other’s point. I don’t care about the validity or proof of any list and I never asked for it. I just think that making it public when it doesn’t directly concern any of us is a selfish position to take – Laing or Media. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

    But JR, that is not why you made such a long ramble. I think you were calling out for more than just a response. I think its time for a Bahamas Press group hug.

    Here’s just for you JR….. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX

    You’ve just been hugged. Go on now Big Boy, have a very refreshing day.

    (PS: Don’t blame me if you don’t have a passport and Paradise Island isn’t considered a foreign country. Perhaps if you travelled more you will see that the world is bigger than the size of your bottom lip and the world really doesn’t revolve around you and your fetish to see people’s business all over the internet)

  7. morehands :
    JR (junior) has a very dirty little mouth. Most people speak out of their own inadequacies and taking from the veil that spews from his facial orifice I would say that he has some unresolved issues to deal with in the privacy of his own home.
    Get a life JR. This conversation was beyond you a very long time ago. We are in the big leagues of communication right now and you are obviously incapable and unequipped to handle this level of discussion.
    You just prefer for more and more of people’s dirt to get publicized so you can sit back and gloat in your ignorance and arrogance.
    “Print the list,Print the list Mr. Media”. Yeah, that’s all you want JR. Then you’ll feel real good about yourself.
    “Get a life JR. Get a life”. And leave other people’s lives alone.

    I have a life Morehands (than brains), so much so that I don’t have to come to BP and brag about where in the world I am at the moment. Who are you, Waldo? Yes, I do have a dirty mouth but I can go where you can using the Queen’s English but I prefer to keep it simple and to the point. It seems you have the issue with someone calling you out for being the arse that you are. In the face of the evidence before you, you stupidly continue to repeat the talking points and most incredibly, keep missing the basic point that enabled Media to print the list in the first place: IT WAS ALREADY PUBLIC!

    You big idiot! What part of that do you not understand? When Cry Baby Sour Lime slammed it down in the HOA and was getting daps from Hubert as if they were in the Bar watching the Lakers, you and your other brain dead buddies were crowing as if somewhere hidden in that list was the answer to the country’s problems. I asked Media when he first wrote about the list as a fraud to publish it to show the fraud. I was hoping that it was something completely typed and sure enough, it was confirmed and only the herd like you and the others who think Hubert’s farts are the sweetest smell around would not see how that couldn’t stand up in court, even with crutches.

    So don’t call me stupid More Hands (than brains). The record here will show that you are the idiot in this conversation and even though I noticed Media was trying to be gentle with you and explain it to you like you were a two year old, I won’t. If you don’t understand that your boy 10/45 Juiceman Cry Baby Sour Lime was caught with his pants around his ankles with this stunt, then all I can assume is that is how you prefer to it. Better to kiss his arse I guess. What was that about getting a life again? And 10/45 just sounded better…what a douche bag this guy is.

    I want to see that list and the list of all the people the FNM fired published if not on this site, on a damn billboard. Now get your back up More Hands (than brains), because if anyone can do it, Media can and I hope your *** saw where Media has said that they have been working on that list for months. As much as I pick on Media, I don’t doubt him for one second when he says he has it and I know it will be here sooner or later because stupid people like you who demand all the proof in the world when people oppose your heros but never ask the same from them will learn by seeing it in black and white. Print Media, Print.

  8. Oops, I thought it referred to something else but I guess yall would not know about that one.

    With your explanation I would think that the nickname should really be 45/10 and not 10/45. 🙁

  9. Morehands :
    I must have been gone for a while. Can someone tell me what is meant by 10/45? It has a nice ring to it. I assume it refers to Min Laing, but why?
    Drama, “BIG GUNS” LOL I take that as a compliment. Thanks Bro. Yeah, HAI had me fly back early, just so I can help Laing work through this situation like I did to help him get the heat off from the Mona Vie case. I’m good at what I do. We have to protect our next maximum leader at all cost. (I think that is what you want to hear me say).

    You help Laing get out of the Mona Vie thing, but don’t know what 10/45 means and think it has a nice ring to it? LOL…..that’s too funny. Laing reduced the duty on Mona Vie from 45% to 10% for his family members, hence the nickname 10/45.

  10. I must have been gone for a while. Can someone tell me what is meant by 10/45? It has a nice ring to it. I assume it refers to Min Laing, but why?

    Drama, “BIG GUNS” LOL I take that as a compliment. Thanks Bro. Yeah, HAI had me fly back early, just so I can help Laing work through this situation like I did to help him get the heat off from the Mona Vie case. I’m good at what I do. We have to protect our next maximum leader at all cost. (I think that is what you want to hear me say).

  11. Morehands :@Drama and Connie. A printed document is one thing and Laing wrong for that, but to make it electronic and mass produce it is another.
    Hello to you to Drama. You ready to roll in the mud aye? Cuz I off from work today and could take you on all day (or until these Starbucks people chase me out).

    Morehands….this must be a SERIOUS issue for the FNM to bring all the BIG GUNS out on Bahamas Press……welcome back my bruddah.

  12. Joe blow. I also have a copy of the document. It is the same as published here. No notes in the margin. You do not need a letter to the clerk of the House of Assembly. Just walk in and ask for a copy. They’ll copy it for you right away. I did. Try it.

  13. I am no fan of Minister Laing as he is mean and despicable.The other day he cried about his family being affected by the mona vie situation and also cried bcos he claimed he lost his job at the Port Authority on instructions of a Min in the former Govt.This short man now puts in the public domain the names of BAHAMIANS who were hired.I do not care what is their politics bcos at present all contracts for cleaning the streets and parks are held by supporters of the FNM Govt.They are Bahamians and deserve to work and live in this country.However rthis short mean and spiteful man has put in the public domain for ridicule names of hardworking BAHAMIANS.I hope 10/45 stays out of any church that I attend as I would surely walk out and let everyone know why.Didn,t 10/45 and his colleagues fire some Policemen and put in place their supporters? Didn,t 10/45 and his Cabinet colleagues fire persons younger than the Acting Commissioner who is the brother of the Chairman of the FNM?Give us a break 10/45 as you are making an asshole of yourself again.And by the way 10/45 I do not like the photo of you as all your meanness is showing and it causes me to want to vomit.

  14. JR (junior) has a very dirty little mouth. Most people speak out of their own inadequacies and taking from the veil that spews from his facial orifice I would say that he has some unresolved issues to deal with in the privacy of his own home.

    Get a life JR. This conversation was beyond you a very long time ago. We are in the big leagues of communication right now and you are obviously incapable and unequipped to handle this level of discussion.

    You just prefer for more and more of people’s dirt to get publicized so you can sit back and gloat in your ignorance and arrogance.

    “Print the list,Print the list Mr. Media”. Yeah, that’s all you want JR. Then you’ll feel real good about yourself.

    “Get a life JR. Get a life”. And leave other people’s lives alone.

  15. I am well aware that Mr. Laing laid the document that he read on the table. So why would I want to deny it? Your question of me makes no sense. I watched his presentation. If he lied about the margin notes, I want him exposed as a liar. Answer the question of how you came to have the document that you published. If you are on the up and up you should be able to do so. Show a letter from the Clerk of the House acknowledging your request for the document and his agreeing to it. Again you avoid the other important issues. You have suggested that a Board member of BTC constructed a document on Jan.29, 2009, forwarded it to Mr. Laing and Mr. Laing then presented that document to the House. Why would a Board member do such a thing? Was it to discredit Mr. Roberts and by extention the PLP? Did that Jan.29th generated document, by a sitting Board member, deliberately contain false information concerning Mr. Robert’s involvement in the hiring of persons just before the election (mostly PLP operatives). For what purpose, when we all know that both Parties have always operated in this fashion prior to elections? Or are you saying the document in and of itself is completely false? That is, made up by a Board member just for the purpose of mischief? And you PLP’s portraying those of us who question the document and its authencity and purpose,as stupid,shows just how ignorant you yourselves are. Time to take “the gentle path”, my fellow bloggers.

  16. @Joe Blow
    It is your job to do prove how it is not the Tabled List by Laing. You deny the document we presented as not being authentic, however you believe Laing’s story without seeing anything from him. That’s not good.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  17. @ JR
    If Russell look like a Rhodes Scholar that is dire straints for those being compared. This is exactly how it is supposed to be in this country imagine the amount of falsehoods that can be nipped in the bud if the press would just do its job. I guess some people are in disbelieve that Mr. precious Laing would do something this dumb but desperate times…….Mr. Laing could have easily aimed his venom at any of the sitting members opposite but instead opted for Bradley Roberts (retired) and a list of Bahamian citizens working at BTC. So now I guess all of their co workers who have seen this list think that they are PLP EVEN IF THEY ARE NOT. Really smooth Mr. Laing. If you don’t know how to play politics by now without hurting the innocent it is time to get out of it.

  18. You right media…I remember when Zhivargo used to go to my church…Preacher Boy gone rogue!!!!

  19. @Joe Blow
    Are you now willing to run the risk and say, LAING did not table a document showing people names in Parliament last week Joe?

    Look on the top page then, look at Laing’s signature at the top. What more do we have to prove? This is the document he tabled!

    And you know why there is no hand notes as Laing said? BECAUSE HE LIED, YES PREACHER CRY BABY SOUR LAING LIED IN THE HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY! AND BAHAMAS PRESS SAYS HE LIED! HE LIED TO THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE AND TO THE PARLIAMENT! There was never hand notes on anything he tabled. So much for a preach of the gospel ech?


  20. If you can conclusively prove that that document is an exact copy of the one tabled by Laing then I would have no choice but to believe you. My conclusion, as I said, came from the fact there did not appear to be any handwritten notes in the margins as Mr. Laing alleged. Perhaps he was telling a mistruth. If you requested and were supplied with the document from the Clerk of the House (and who else could possibly legally send that to you) then you can just say so, as you would not be revealing any secret source. If you are entitled, so then are we all. Usually when a request is made and complied with there is a document to confirm your request is being answered. May we see that?
    Your submission in the article is at best hazy as it is unreadable, as published, on this site and so open to question. All I’m saying in its presentation it is not conclusive to me. I am in no way arguing for Laing. However, even if there were no handwritten remarks by Mr. Roberts, how is it, if the document was generated by the Board on January 20th 2009 (your info as it appears in your article),that he would have any imput at all? There is a lot of missing and confusing info here that needs clarification. Your job, not mine. I’m just a person who enjoys participating on this blog.

  21. media :
    @Joe Blow
    Well you know Joe I just love when you and others QUESTION OUR SOURCES/information. We can say it and you ask us to produce empirical evidence. We produce the evidence and then you question its authenticity.
    But what amazes us is this, you and members of the WUTLESS MEDIA would rather continue to argue for Laing, accept and repeat what he said and NOT look at the document he tabled.
    We need not belabour our point on this document. It is the document he (LAING) tabled in parliament. The first pages bears his signature. And the date presented on it refers to the night Parliament met. But there is not one working of Roberts own hand. And yes you and the WUTLESS MEDIA spin your deceptive LIES and attempt to shoot ours down? LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE!
    Now Joe it is for you, NOT US, to prove this is not what LAING TABLED. How can you conclude what we now presented is NOT indeed the document Laing tabled? Also it for you NOT us to prove how do you attach Mr. Robert to this? He was NOT the minister with responsibility as Laing LIED in the House! And Misled the Parliament!
    Also, you must be able to say to these many readers, WHAT IS WRONG with the PLP hiring workers, when it is fact the FNM has Fired more than 1,200 in 2007. All people has the right to work, PLPs and FNMs.
    Therefore with all this massive joblessness and homelessness, FNMs and PLPs would be better served to hear that the FNM is putting people back to work. YES, the many workers in this country now UNEMPLOYED!
    And when you see our gathered list of fired workers over the last year and a half, you would see what we mean.
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    Print the list and shame the FNM for what they are doing. Nobody takes it seriously until they see real names of people affected.

  22. I think you’re the dumb one Call It, and you can lump your fellow dumbos Morehands (than brains) and Joe Blow (his mind) in there too. You idiots miss several points, no doubt because of your stupidity. First to you Call It. I asked Media an important question because seeing a signature and a date with nothing else to say why it is on a document deserves a question. Not all of us are as familiar with parliamentary procedure as you are, giving further credence to my earlier joke that you must be writing these posts when you’re not writing for the Punch or in the HOuse. LOL. Now to the other rotten eggs in the carton. I can sit down and in about a half hour, with the use of photoshop, produce any document for any department of the government and you would not be the wiser. I have no doubt that this is the exact point media was making in publishing this in the first place and with his first argument that with no identifying details except some type claiming to be Roberts’ request, you have nothing that could pass muster in court to say that it is authentic. The FNM knows this and they know that there are idiots like you three out there willing to swallow the red cool ade hook line and sinker and put you lil two cents in for the FNM. What a bunch of dummies and idiots. You guys make Ken Russell look like a Rhodes Scholar.

  23. @Joe Blow
    Well you know Joe I just love when you and others QUESTION OUR SOURCES/information. We can say it and you ask us to produce empirical evidence. We produce the evidence and then you question its authenticity.

    But what amazes us is this, you and members of the WUTLESS MEDIA would rather continue to argue for Laing, accept and repeat what he said and NOT look at the document he tabled.

    We need not belabour our point on this document. It is the document he (LAING) tabled in parliament. The first pages bears his signature. And the date presented on it refers to the night Parliament met. But there is not one working of Roberts own hand. And yes you and the WUTLESS MEDIA spin your deceptive LIES and attempt to shoot ours down? LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE!

    Now Joe it is for you, NOT US, to prove this is not what LAING TABLED. How can you conclude what we now presented is NOT indeed the document Laing tabled? Also it for you NOT us to prove how do you attach Mr. Robert to this? He was NOT the minister with responsibility as Laing LIED in the House! And Misled the Parliament!

    Also, you must be able to say to these many readers, WHAT IS WRONG with the PLP hiring workers, when it is fact the FNM has Fired more than 1,200 in 2007. All people has the right to work, PLPs and FNMs.

    Therefore with all this massive joblessness and homelessness, FNMs and PLPs would be better served to hear that the FNM is putting people back to work. YES, the many workers in this country now UNEMPLOYED!

    And when you see our gathered list of fired workers over the last year and a half, you would see what we mean.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  24. Altec:
    I am saddened by Mr. Laing producing the document at the HOA if it means that it immediately became a public document. I am saddened by its existence becoming compounded through this site. And I am saddened by the support being given to it. The people named on this document did not ask for their business to be out on the streets and Laing and now BP made sure give it to them. I am also saddened by the individual at BTC who give Mr. Laing access to this document. It is clearly someone within the Human Resources department and if this is how confidentiality is handled within one quasi-government agency, imagine what is happening in the others.

    We certainly need to learn from the native American Indians – “Don’t kill what you can’t eat”. We in the Bahamas love to kill people (reputation) and sit back and watch as they suffer.

  25. The document printed above, (though unclear even with a magnifying glass) no doubt was generated by BTC. Mr. Laing read from the margin notes before tabling the document. Those notes were purported to be in Bradely Roberts’ handwritng. So it is easy to conclude that the document shown here is not a copy of the tabled document. The supposition that BR no longer had BTC in his portfolio and so had no powers to affect procedural hiring does not hold water. Obviously, he was asked to look at the listed applicants to give him a chance to make his observations about who might be hired. The document was sent to him for his info, observations and possible approval. Be that as it may, each side recommends persons they would like to see hired and it is all political. To quote Altec “there is a lot of crap that went down under the PLP and is going on under the FNM.” BP can choose to print anything of an non-libelous nature on this site he likes. It is up to we, the bloggers, to examine the so-called evidence and come to our conclusions. As an aside, I wonder if that part of Mr. Laing’s presentation was in retaliation for Thomas Moore’s attempt to once again reintroduce the vandetta he has been waging against ZL for the past several months? Retaliation is childish and regretable but understandable. Unfortunately, it always has far reaching and unanticipated consequences as Moorehands correctly pointed out. ” To see things as they clearly are, is both an art and a science.”

  26. Morehands:
    your argument that BP is wrong for posting this document is totally without merit. As has been pointed out by several other bloggers, the moment Min Laing tabled this document on the house floor, the document became apart of the public domain. Why dont you just be honest and admit that you wished this document wasnt released by Min Laing. Had he not put it on the table in the HOA, BP wouldnt have this post to write.

    The state of journalism in this country is so poor that when a journalist actually does their job some people dont know how to react at the information that is revealed. The mainstream media in this country are all PARROTS, they just repeat what they were told and dont bother to do any research.

    There is a lot of crap that went down under the PLP and is going down under the FNM and the press is aiding both parties by being silent and lazy.

    Go get them all BP.

  27. You see “MEDIA”, the Bahamian people need to be reminded of these things, lest they forget. It seems so hypocritical for the government to be highlighting the failures of others when they can be accused of doing the same in many cases. This whole method of distraction takes away from their own credibility. It’s hard for me to even sit and watch the antics in the HOA. These supposedly educated politicians act the fool instead of addressing the important issues.

  28. @Sincere
    Sincere if you go to our post just after May 2nd, 2007, you would discover that we warned the government, right on this blog, that their actions to dismiss 1,200 temporary workers in the government was the wrong precedent. We warned at the time that it will continue through the private sector.

    Bahamas Press has now compiled a long list of employers that have dismissed workers all across this country. We will publish that list.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  29. Connie, I don’t think you could have said it better. Who gives a crap about who hired who and when? Didn’t the FNM lay off a whole bunch of people since then…nobody wants to talk about victimization eh? I have evidence of all kind of people being fired, harassed, or even resigning because of the FNM. And if they want to talk about hiring along party lines, then I can gather up a list of names myself. After the govt “bought” all kinds of votes, there was talk everywhere about who voted for whom in the present govt because of campaign promises. Mr Laing needs to go sit his girly self down. Beyond all that, of what relevance is all this to our economic condition? Someone please tell the Finance Minister and his btches to start doing something worthwhile!!!!

  30. Mr. Morehands this is why I said that you have to step into the 21st century because as a media entity it is the job of BP and the local dailies to do this it is called reporting the news. Mr. Laing made this story news, in my view in an effort to deflect from the inadequacies of the present government without regard for the consequences and that is selfish and self serving to him and the FNM. Did you not see our very own Prime Minister shake his hand and tell him what an excellent job he did and the rest of them cheering them on. I really wish there was a way that the persons whose name is on that list could sue but Mr. Laing was so slimey about the whole deal that he used HOA privilege.

    I don’t care which persuasion you are politically Mr. Laing was wrong. Especially since this list has not bearing on the state of our economy today, crime or unemployment, these people hopefully are still working. This was solely a political endeavour in the middle of a national financial and economic crisis.

  31. So it is Despicable for us to publish the document Zhivargo Laing sought to use as a political tool and placed it in the public domain! So if we are DESPICABLE then Laing must be WUTLESS then!

    Ech, where does that put Laing Morehands?


  32. Jr the die has been cast, the P.L.P will always be the most corrupt party in this country and that will never change. Bradley did it and the P.L.P shame. Even more ashamed are the persons whoses names are on that list who are actually working at BTC today, with their anniversay date of employment coinciding with the dates on that list tabled!

    As for the signature dated MARCH 5TH, 2009, If you had more sense, you would know that all documents tabled are signed and dated by the person tabling the information at the time. Jr you are dumber than I thought! Go straight to the front of the class and stop cussing!

    If you notice, after the ASOVE debacle, I am very particular about responding to certain info posted here, especially those regarding DOCUMENTS!

  33. @Drama and Connie. A printed document is one thing and Laing wrong for that, but to make it electronic and mass produce it is another.

    Hello to you to Drama. You ready to roll in the mud aye? Cuz I off from work today and could take you on all day (or until these Starbucks people chase me out).

  34. JESUS!!! BP!! What have you done?????

    I just actually downloaded the pdf document. What have you done Bahamas Press??? How could you do something like this?? Did you actually read the comments made next to people’s names before you decided to make this think public???

    I thought the number was just 12 jobs but now that I’ve read the entire thing I had to stop counting.

    Some got their job because they was the chairperson of the Carmichael PLP branch, others because their brother worked at BTC, on had the job but lost it because “Minister Roberts” wanted his person hired, only 11 were not political hires, and others because their relatives are political stalwarts. This is so shameful.

    Media, next to your public posting of the underage kids sexing in the classroom, this ranks now as your second most despicable thing that you have done. May you and the people you love continue to find mercy from God. And just look at how those above just celebrate your actions. Even more despicable.

  35. Morehands :Morehands is back in the country, just in time to see BP posting people’s private and very personal records all over the internet.
    CONGRATULATIONS Bahamas Press for exposing to the entire world the list of people who got their jobs at BTC through their MP and especially the names of those who did not have any political connection so they didn’t get the job.
    By the way, I might be wrong but I do see former Minister Robert’s approval next to a number of those names on the list (in fact more an any other MP) which does suggest that he was trying to get a number of people hired just before the elections.

    Morehands you should have stayed where ever the hell you were!! LAING brought this document in the HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. HE was the first EXPOSER!!! DEAL WITH LAING!!! This document was recorded in the House of Assembly.

  36. You don’t know that to be able to make the assertion that I don’t know anybody on that list which is exactly a perfectly good reason why the list should have not be laid on the table of the house of assembly. Your reasoning is something that should be aimed at Mr. Laing who probably thought nothing of the people whose names are on this list before he got blood in his eyes for attention to the thrown in a direction other then the economy and unemployment. Mr. Laing is no novice and knew that this document would be picked up because it is now made publice knowledge HOLDING HIS SIGNATURE at the top no less. You need to be chastizing Mr. Laing for sacrificing the people on that list be they FNM, PLP, Independent or indifferent for the sole reason of Political Mileage and if you do not think that is so maybe BP needs to show you the tape of Mr. Laing’s speech.

  37. Actually it was Madrid, Spain this time. Thanks for the welcome.

    Connie’s mouth is only hard because no one she knows is listed on your “Laing” document. The three people I know, including my niece, are extremely upset by you posting the document.

    But the Bahamas was never a place to follow privacy laws anyway.

    You perhaps just put twelve jobs on the line for showing that their post was only a political one. The union can have a field day with this. Everyone on this publicize list is now in one way or another, the laughing stock of the nation.

    Think before you talk. Look before you leap. Ponder before you post.

    Follow the rule of the native American Indian – Don’t destroy what you can’t eat.

  38. Morehands you can thank Mr. Laing for making this document public. I guess you are not used to real journalism because if the mainstream media were worth anything this doc would have made the papers since Firday morning. When you lay something on the table, it is public am I wrong. So Mr. Laing deserves you congratulations and you need to make your way into the 21st century.

  39. Morehands is back in the country, just in time to see BP posting people’s private and very personal records all over the internet.

    CONGRATULATIONS Bahamas Press for exposing to the entire world the list of people who got their jobs at BTC through their MP and especially the names of those who did not have any political connection so they didn’t get the job.

    By the way, I might be wrong but I do see former Minister Robert’s approval next to a number of those names on the list (in fact more an any other MP) which does suggest that he was trying to get a number of people hired just before the elections.

  40. BP. can you ask Laing to explain who’s signature it is on the top right hand corner of the document and why is it dated to March 5th, 2009? Is this another piece of evidence that this is a crude forgery by a dumb forger who mistakenly wrote the wrong date down?

  41. Man BP, you really got me grinning now. I dared you to post, not boast and you came through with flying colors. yeah Joe. Yeah Finley. Yeah Call It. What you say about that now? Where’s the high horse now, or are you behind him eating horse sh**?

    See why you can’t take everything these idiots say to heart. Great job BP. If they push it, you should reveal just who typed it up but we know you won’t because that will mess up your source. Keep it going and remember to tone down the bragging. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Like I told you last week, we know you bad out there, bragging only makes you seem insecure. Oh, and one last thing for Thomas and Call It and Joe Blow…..YaBeeeech!

  42. Congrats BP on showing the document yall in front of this one. This document shows nothing that I can see except that some people were recommended for positions by a number of people. Now what Mr. Laing has to prove is that all the people recommended are ALL PLPs and he straight on the victimization tip. But the point that Mr. Laing thinks that we are all that stupid to fall for his theatrical performance in the year 2009 is shameful. This is a classic case of deflection from the issues. Laing ya slippin, keep diggin’ this one is a loss.

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