Lawbreakers on the RBDF comes host big party on Good Friday and now has come down with COVID!


Raymond King hosted a SUPER-SPREADER COVID19 EVENT!

RBDF Commodore Raymond King

Nassau| While you was busy praying on Good Friday, The Royal Bahamas DEFENCE Force chief Commodore Raymond King threw a party for 50 officers on blessed Good Friday – The most holy day on the Christian calendar —then said he felt like he had covid.

As a result, Cmdre King and the 50 officers who were at the “illegal” party in his house on St Vincent Road have all been placed in 14-day quarantine.

Commodore King and the 50 Defence Force officers from the party will all be tested for covid today.

The party thrown by Cmdre King was in apparent defiance of orders by PM Dr Hubert Minnis for persons not to meet in gatherings of more than 10 individuals.

KING had just also gotten he FREE Oxford/AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine in late March.

We report yinner decide!