Letter writer calls attack on COP Greenslade “a case of sour-grapes”

Super Cop Greenslande cleans up streets of Bahamas! Urban Renewal WORKS and the FNM had no clue for crime!

A letter to da editor

I noted with much disgust the recent attack of fired former Prime Minister Hubert Alexander Ingraham against Commissioner Ellison Greenslade.

Firstly, this clear-cut case of sour-grapes is being pressed by the venom from a hateful heart. Having done all to destroy the enthusiasm, commitment and brilliance of the dedicated COP by imposing an unconstitutional term limit on his tenure, Hubert Ingraham and his “side-kick?

Zhivargo Laing have now resorted to threats of revealing “so-called” Cabinet secrets! Well blow me down! It is as though they believe every Bahamian is an as ignorant as they are, having no clear understanding of our system of governance: By requirements of The Bahamas Constitution, the Commissioner of Police may never be on any contract and is guaranteed SECURITY OF TENURE in order to secure the integrity of his advice!

Secondly, the Constitution also mandates a weekly meeting between the Prime Minister and the COP, where NO MINUTES are kept, in order to ensure that unfettered advice may flow freely RE: CRIME and National Security matters.

Hats off to the Christie government for its honourable decision to reform the illegal and unconstitutional restrictions imposed on the office of the Commissioner of Police by the Hubert Ingraham- (A.K.A.) “Papa Clown” led administration.

May they rest in PEACE!!!