Lightbourne to Lead Convocation To Strengthen Dying Christian Value


pastor-franklyn-lightbourne<<< Pastor Franklin Lightbourne gets set to host 32nd Annual Convocation to take back the spiritual pillars of the nation.

Nassau, Bahamas — With the moral fibre of the community giving way to violence, homosexuality, greed, corruption and crime, one pastor is seeking to strengthen the Christian values that are dying by joining forces with six other clergymen for the 32nd annual Revival Faith Mission Holy Convocation to address the spiritual condition of The Bahamas. The weeklong nightly event is scheduled to begin on Monday the 26th of October at the church on Malcolm Road east, with two 12.30pm sessions on Tuesday and Thursday.

Franklin C. Lightbourne, Pastor of Revival Faith Mission said that this year’s timely theme was derived from Revelations 3:2 which reads “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God.” (NIV).

“This describes the spiritual condition of our nation and what the church is called to do at this time,” said Pastor Lightbourne. “We are at a moral crossroad in The Bahamas where much of the traditional values are being eroded or completely abandoned.

We must make every effort to strengthen those things- the Christian morals and values that are dying in our churches, in our homes and in every sphere of society. We must revive them, and re-establish those foundational principles on which this nation was built, as the spiritual pillars for the younger generation to live by.”

Other ministers participating in what has been described as a “wave of glory to the nation” include Apostle C. Clifford Smith III, Southside Christian Ministries; Pastor Joseph Cox, El-Shaddai Ministries Int’l; Bishop Tony Hanna, Jurisdictional Bishop of COGIC; Pastor Ellison Greenslade, Bible Truth Ministries; Bishop Deon Mott, Lighthouse Apostolic Ministries; and Bishop Cedric Bullard, Revival Time Pentecostal, Abaco. For more information call 326-6114 at the church or or