Take BTC BACK! It is a Matter of National Security!
Nassau, Bahamas — The Bahamas is rapidly descending backwards fast. FAST FAST! It is 8:40 am, a Monday morning and nothing is working.
Lights are off. Cable out, electric pump shut down. Land and cell phones are reading “No Service” and nothing is being said.
Today’s island-wide utilities failure reminds us of a dark past in The Bahamas when nothing worked and everything was simple. The trend began some three years ago and every summer generators around the country are work overtime.
Something is wrong. Terribly wrong!
Today The Bahamas – in its supposedly “modern state” – cannot keep up with the times and it is clear we are going in the wrong direction.
What is more glaring is that officials charged to managed this modern-day malaise have no clue as to what irrevocable damage they cause to Joe Blow who is paying the highest amount of taxes ever seen in the country’s history.
Just listen to the last lame excuse given by BEC for its 8 hour plus blackout the morning of the opening of Parliament. They said two men who were on a ladder tripped a cable and the entire New Providence went offline.
When a whole forest of trees damage lines in a hurricane or thunder storms, the same does not happen.
And this morning is William Bill Cartwright’s State Recognized Funeral, and look what happens.
We must do better.
BTC is another story. Nothing appears to be working over there. In fact, something is working at BTC: its PR division, which warned us just this morning that disruptions are now over, and we will now get better service. It’s now 8:54 am and all phone lines at BP are down. ALL CELLS PHONES, AND LANDLINES!
Yinner gatta do better.
How in the hell we are supposed to get to the first world with all this technology when nothing works in this town anymore and everywhere you turn on New Providence who isn’t on the pole is digging up in the ground.
Boy, I tell ya!
If ya don’t laugh you will cry.
We report yinner decide.
Kevin Basden, GM for BEC
Monday, June 18th, 2012
The Bahamas Electricity Corporation (BEC) advises its customers in New Providence that it has restored supply to all areas following an island-wide outage on Monday, June 18, 2012.
By 12 noon on Monday, supply was restored to all areas of New Providence.
BEC advises that there was a surge on its system at approximately 8:14 on
Monday morning which resulted in the island wide outage. Crews were immediately dispatched to restore supplies and to investigate the cause of the surge. BEC began restoring supplies to its customers in less than half an hour after the initial fault. The last remaining customers had their supplies restored at noon on Monday.
At this time, the Corporation is investigating the cause of Monday’s island wide outage and has isolated the cause of the fault to a problem on its transmission network.
BEC assures its customers that it is taking the necessary steps to ensure that these occurrences are, if not eradicated, minimized with little inconvenience to consumers.
Again, the Corporation extends its sincerest apologies to its customers in New Providence affected by Monday morning’s outage. BEC realizes, and remains fully committed, to its national responsibility to provide a safe and reliable source of electricity across The Bahamas.