Local pastor drives off in new Colour RED 2024 BMW after members delivered their BIG JUICY Offering at BAHA MAR LAUNCH!


NASSAU| A local pastor who warned “Weak Christians” just weeks ago about sitting under church leadership who live in gated communities and drive expensive luxury vehicles himself has now been caught up in the same message he preached. 

The young pastor, who dragged three quarters of a church to join him earlier in the year, has presented himself at a car dealership to purchase his spanking new 2024 luxury BMW vehicle. 

The new vehicle is shockingly Coloured Red – just like the red political party he supports. 

Since starting his new Con-FUSION CHURCH, the pastor has locked himself in a condo unit deep in the jungle on luxurious Paradise Island and now has a nice vehicle to match the part. So what happened to the message he preached just a few weeks ago about preachers living off the people? WHERE THAT GONE?!

Meanwhile, followers of the new minister on the block were encouraged to send in their BIG JUICY FIRST FRUITS (MONEY) at the start of the year. Much of the funds are now in the BMW Dealership!

Boy, I tell ya! This is a time!