Look at the foolishness going down on in the Government Office


NASSAU, The Bahamas — The Cabinet Office kicked off the Yuletide season by holding its first ever Christmas Door Competition, which lasted from the end of November to Monday, December 6, 2010.

The Government Printing Department, Government Publications, the House of Assembly, the Accounts Section, Human Resources, which includes the janitorial staff, Administration, NEMA, the Registry and Documentation all participated in the competition.

Three judges Peter Deveaux-Isaacs, Undersecretary, Ministry of National Security; Allison Middleton, Senior System Administrator, The Central Bank of The Bahamas and Ava Burke-Thompson, Senior Manager, Weddings and Honeymoons, Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and Miss Bahamas 1981 evaluated the entries, Tuesday, December 7.

Christina Brown, First Assistant Secretary, Cabinet Office explained that the Events and Fundraising Committees at the Cabinet Office came up with the idea for a competition to encourage a spirit of togetherness as well as bring out the creative talents of the staff.

“It was fun because we came in on the weekends to really put up our decorations and door designs,” Mrs Brown said.

“We felt that it would not only draw us closer together, but also bring us into the Christmas spirit and appreciate everything that is Bahamian.”

She encouraged other government ministries to promote such competitions to bring staff together and boost morale.

“You may have to pull out a couple of dollars, but the point is you could always get indigenous material to use,” Mrs Brown said.

The staff did just that decorating their doors with different themes using recycled items and also utilising local materials such as pine cones, bennie cakes, newspapers, sponge cotton, straw and raffia.

Ms Middleton, one of the judges of the competition, agreed that the competition was good for morale. “I am all for competitions or anything that brings a little more excitement to your daily work or your daily routine.

“It also adds a bit of camaraderie; it probably improved how they felt about coming to work; they were probably excited to be at work this week.”

Both Ms. Middleton and fellow judge Mrs. Thompson were impressed by the creativity shown by the Cabinet Office staff members.

Mrs. Thompson said, “It was pretty impressive.  You can see the amount of the thought, time and creativity that went into everything.

“The competition obviously brought out a lot of thoughtfulness in everybody.  They had to go to another extent in terms of thinking of what is Bahamian and what is different.”

She said they are judging based on originality, creativity, lots of thoughtfulness and something that is obviously depicting Bahamian culture.

The first, second and third place winners will be announced at the office Christmas party on December 17.  Winners will most likely receive a trophy.


  1. I read this article several times and I don’t see the foolishness you are referring to. How a Christmas competition that fostered camaraderie, cooperation and creativity within an environment that traditionally limits any type of interaction between real and imagined boundaries of operation is beyond me. The fact that it also encouraged the use of indigenous and recycled products is an added plus. Ms. Brown should be congratulated for coming up with such an original idea. The staff should be congratulated for their participation. Your take on this one BP has really left me confused.

    • WHAT!!!! the government gat money waste on BS.My guess is the part where it says “you may have to pull out a couple of dollars is unseen;and the garbage about boasting morale.This bunch of out of sensible ideas simply killing our already downtrodden people

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