Look at the people attending the NHI Town Meeting in New Providence!


The NHI Secretariat concludes a week of meetings in Nassau

Town Meeting for NHI proved a no show by Bahamians!
Town Meeting for NHI proved a no show by Bahamians!

Nassau, The Bahamas – February 15, 2016 —The National Health Insurance Secretariat had a productive meeting with the Bahamas Insurance Association (BIA) on Thursday, February 11. The group discussed outstanding issues and ways to work together to ensure NHI Bahamas works for everyone.

“We are encouraged that the BIA is willing to compromise and discuss important issues with the NHI Secretariat. In the end, we all want the same thing – modern, affordable, accessible health care for our Bahamian brothers and sisters,” said Permanent Secretary for NHI Peter Deveaux-Isaacs. “We look forward to a continued and ongoing productive dialogue with the BIA.”

Earlier this week the Secretariat met and presented to other organizations such as the Police Staff Association, the Bahamas Pharmaceutical Association and the Bahamas Christian Council.

The Secretariat also hosted a community meeting in Nassau on Thursday, February 11 at the BCPOU hall. Dr. Delon Brennen, Project Manager for NHI and Dr. Glen S. Beneby, Chief Medical Officer were in attendance. They engaged with Bahamians who attended and also presented for the live radio broadcast on ZNS radio 1540AM Radio Bahamas, which reaches Bahamians throughout our archipelago.

Dr. Brennen delivered a short presentation outlining NHI Bahamas and the need for it, as well as what to expect going forward. Dr. Beneby provided information on ongoing Health Systems Strengthening activities throughout the country. Together, the team clarified important information regarding the implementation of NHI Bahamas.

“Over the last decade, we have doubled our spending on health,” explains Dr. Brennen. “As a result we are spending less on other things such as education, entrepreneurial aspirations and housing; but we are not getting healthier.”

Dr. Brennen explained to the attendees, media and listeners that figures show in countries with a national health care programme, out of pocket spending goes down and life expectancy goes up. He noted that even with a national health insurance plan, there is no need to give up private health insurance, but encourages all Bahamians to see, touch and feel the benefits of NHI Bahamas.

“We are looking to continue our consultation with individuals throughout The Bahamas to ensure they are educated on all that NHI Bahamas will do for them,” said Permanent Secretary Deveaux-Issacs.

The Secretariat continues to meet with stakeholder groups regularly. Any group that wishes to schedule a presentation by the NHI Bahamas team may contact the Secretariat directly at 502-7601 or email info@nhibahamas.gov.bs.

More information on NHI Bahamas can also be found at www.nhibahamas.gov.bs.