Look what Ingraham has done to the Bench! Dr. Sands served writ by former patient


Dr. SandsNassau, Bahamas — Questions concerning the Judiciary in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas have taken a hard turn on the wheel of justice in and throughout the country. We at BP have our concerns with the courts and come next week on Tuesday 2nd, February at 10 am all eyes will descend on again on the Supreme Court.

Information gathered by Bahamas Press confirms there are more problems for the chief opponent of National Health Insurance and FNM’s candidate for the Elizabeth constituency, Dr. Dwane Sands. Here’s what we know!

A writ was filed in the Supreme Court back in 2006 by a former police patient of Sands. The officer, Lynden Harrison, accused Sands of medical malpractice following an alleged botched operation at Doctor’s Hospital.

We are advised Harrison had delayed his submission before the courts and later found out that he was unable to proceed with his case against Sands. Harrison has since appealed and the matter will now be heard. Harrison is asking the court to give him his day in court and let justice reign, as it should in the Bahamas. But will that happen?

Rhonda bain-lgBahamas Press has also learned that the matter between Sands and Harrison will be heard before Her Ladyship Justice Rhonda Bain; the recently appointed judge to the politically tilt bench now established by HubertPapa DocIngraham. Now get this.

Sands is a candidate for the Free National Movement in Elizabeth. Justice Bain hearing the matter is the sweetheart of BoogalooElliott, a confident and CHIEF HENCHMAN of ‘Papa DocIngraham. ‘Boogalooyou would remember was recently in Elizabeth along with Ingraham two Sundays ago as he [Ingraham] cussed out residents like a drunken sailor for tearing down his posters.

Bahamas Press believes Sands has ‘Trusted Hands’. He’s an eminently qualified surgeon who has delivered fine medical service to scores in our region. And therefore, our special today is NOT about him. In fact, we believe Sands is the best the FNM has to offer out of the lot, but from looking at this writ, Harrison believes otherwise.

We are told there are further attempts to throw this matter out of court once again.

  • Why would Sands refuse his former patient his day in court?
  • If Sands cares for people, as we believe he says he does, why would he not agree with Harrison and allow him the right to argue his fight for Justice and let the chips fall where they may?

We say to her ladyship Justice Bain, of which this article today is sent, to do the honourble thing and recuse herself before penning a bias judgment tilted in the favour of Dr. Sands.

Thousands of ordinary Bahamians know both Sands and Justice Bain are tied together at the proverbial Political HIPAKA Papa Doc’s Party. This is no public secret. Indeed justice cannot function in the Bahamas where the Chief Justice is seen riding around in a constituency of a pending by-election knowing his political roots. And here again another justice on the bench who was a former lawyer in the office of Ingraham and CO. is also seen hearing the case against an FNM candidate in Elizabeth.

This all causes us to pause and ask the question, HOW LOW WILL THE BAHAMAS ALLOW OURSELVES TO GO?

We ask Justice Bain to look at the office she holds in this country. We ask her to take a close look at the conversations carried by the majority who believespolitical puns should not sit on the bench. We ask her to uphold the HIGH LOFTY OFFICE SHE NOW SITS and saves IT from a further public ridicule.

We cannot take it any more! It is no wonder criminals rooming our streets possess no respect for judge or jury. We ask for a fair hearing in Harrison’s case. We ask Justices now tumbling the bench with their overweighed political red clothes to put on silk and save the JUSTICE system of this country from further ill repute.

Let police officer Harrison case be heard in fairness and truth for it is a matter of TRUST! HE TRUSTED THE DOCTOR with steady and not crazy heads.

Readers would remember Bahamas Press advise you of this same Dr. Sands in an article earlier titled ‘Politician or Pickpocket’.




  1. Hey BP, did you see the large amount of PLP posters that were taken down and torned as well.. WOW, BP is now PLP command center…

  2. I guess somebody wasn’t too pleased with their slogan or maybe it was somebody who had trusted Hubert them in the past and now they are catching hell for it and they decided to take their rage out on this poster of Hubert.

  3. Well Eagle all we are saying is this, allow the man to the chance to have a fair day in court. And Bain should not be hearing the matter.

    What kinda kangaroo system would this be if she hears the matter. We would be the laughingstock of the world!

    We don’t care how impartial she may appear to be as she reads the law, ones own interpretation will weigh heavily in the decision.

    So let’s get it right. We all know she should be there in the first place.

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  4. If Justice Bain has a close relationship with Dr. Sands then she should recuse herself and she probably would.  But what must be made clear here is that Judges make their rulings based on the law, not any other consideration.  Further, our judicial system has sufficient checks and balances in place to protect that which is just.  I don’t think that Mr. Harrison has anything to worry about because our judiciary has a rich tradition of equitable judgements.  Note: If Mr. Harrison were to loose the case, it would not mean that the ruling is unfair.

  5. BP apologies to our readers for the delay in publishing this article today. We also note we have had some glitches.


  6. When we in the Bahamas have reached to the point when we can’t trust our courts to deliver justice then what do we have left.This is truly a sad day when justice is no longer seen to be done and is no longer blind.God help us all.

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