Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays director is afraid of a Parliamentary Hearing on cases filed by Save the Bays – WHY?


Louis Bacon has taken poor legal advice in the Bahamas!

Guardian keeps apologizing to Fred Smith's client Louis Bacon.
Guardian keeps apologizing to Fred Smith’s client Louis Bacon.

Nassau, Bahamas – Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays director Fred Smith has now realized he is up the creek as a hearing by Parliament is about to commence on some matters involving emails and court cases by Save the Bays.

Save the Bays, you should know, has caused to happen a number of legal matters involving members of Parliament, gagging Parliament, members of the Press and media houses, and have had writs served on media personalities.

Bahamas Press has long held the view that Louis Bacon has had bad, terrible awful legal advice in the Bahamas on how to set a war against his Lyford Cay neigbour.

Recently a Judge in the Supreme Court ruled against Members of Parliament over the revelation of emails that were allowed by the Speaker to be tabled.

Fred Smith in his paranoia is now afraid. In a release this week, Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays Director Smith called for calmer heads to prevail and for all parties to await the conclusion of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and Privy Council processes before airing sensitive court matters in the public domain, as this would run the serious risk of “short-circuiting” justice and set a very dangerous precedent for the future.

Perhaps Smith does not want the Parliament to discover the wrong and incorrect procedures which were done to arrive at the cases: the procedural correctness of a trial; showing how a case was brought to court in the first place, who served who, when, how and, in the case of the emails, details as to their discovery are all important to the Public Hearing by Parliament.

The problem here is this: If it is proven that someone deep inside Louis Bacon’s Save the Bays is found in Contempt of Parliament after many flaws in the process of a trial were committed, then the conclusions by Bahamas Press would be what we said all along: that Louis Bacon has had bad legal advisors in the Bahamas from the beginning and they have led him down the wrong road.

And in a climate where the Parliament is gagged, MPs are dragged into court. The Press is muzzled and members of the media brought before the bar of justice for commenting on the MOST HOLY and Sacred name of Louis Bacon it must be left to the Parliament to decide some sense on this level of contempt on our nation.

We report yinner decide!