Madison Pugh now held at FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia


madison<<< Madison Pugh now held at FBI headquarters for extradition to Nassau.

Nassau, Bahamas — Breaking news now coming into Bahamas Press confirms that Madison Pugh is arrested and is now being held at the FBI headquarters in Quantico, Virginia awaiting extradition to The Bahamas.

Bahamian Police returned from the Pennsylvania last week and told reporters that a process must now be done in order to get Madison back here to Nassau. “She is a suspect in the matter and there is a process we must go through to get her back in The Bahamas and we are working on that,” ACP Raymond Gibson said.

Madison’s 22 year-old boyfriend, Zyndall Mckinney, has been arraigned in connected with the murder Anna Garrison. Her remains were discovered on July 4th on a Fox Hill road  wrapped in a plastic bag and covered in a bed sheet.

In protest of Madison’s arrest her father, Chris Pugh, contacted Bahamas Press saying, “On Aug. 7th the US government appointed lawyers took :15 minutes to decide to send my 16 year-old daughter to a woman’s holding facility in Virginia. From there she will be sent to The Bahamas where she will go to trial. I would like to thank our government (United States) for leading my daughter to the lions den. To see what they (United States) did makes me sick. And to all you so called relatives who are posting comments, I don’t know any of you so keep your comments to yourself.”

Madison was discovered in Kennett Square in Pennsylvania.


  1. to all of you who think you know whats going on ypu dont just keep your mouthes shut. if you only know the hell taht little girl went through.and if anyone who is wondering who this is its her father

  2. Looks like it could be a long time until we know anything for sure, or have any answers to the hows and whys. May Anna’s soul R.I.P

  3. Maddie was really close friends with my daughter when she lived in Ohio. We all love and miss her very much. I can’t begin to say if I think Maddie did or didn’t do this. I just hope she will someday find the peace she has always looked for.


  5. It’s not that I diddn’t want Maddison, I go to bed everynight wondering if I had just kept her with me maby this wouldn’t have happend. But I know that I did everthing in my power to help her. I had her in counsling and we attended church every Sunday and Wednesday night. Yes she has had a rough life. Her Mother signed her rights over when she was just little and so she lived with her grandmother my Aunt untill she passed away and that is when I got her. Our family loves Maddison very much but we in no way are trying to justify what she did. I am truly sorry for the loss that Shelly’s family is feeling and they are in my prayers everynight. Her father has had it rought with her and he is doing the best he can to be a father to his daughter he is very worried about her regardless of what anyone’s past is they deserve respect especially in a time like this. and it’s so easy for everyone to put everyone down and make assumptions. There is only one God and Maddison has to answer to him someday for her actions just as we all do. We all love Maddison very much and are all truly saddened by all of this.

  6. Does that give her the right to murder her? I understand that maybe she was passed here and there, and I understand the she needed love, but if she was so unhappy with Shelley (Anna) then why not just come home like she did anyway. Murder is never the answer. Every teen gets in arguements with their parents, but unlike other teens Maddie will never have the oppurtunity to regroup and think it thru because she chose to take her mother out. Our family truly feels bad for Maddie, but we feel worse that she chose to kill our sister, aunt, cousin and friend.

  7. I know Madison and that girl had a rough life no body wanted her. She wasn’t an easy child but all she needed was love and she sure as HELL didn’t get from her mom or dad.Her father only had her when no one else wanted her.I FEEL SORRY FOR HER!!!

  8. @Child of the 60s
    I am the one who had maddison in Ohio and I have never abused her. my husband and i don’t believe in hitting our children it only teaches them anger. i only had maddison untill her father got settled. Please keep your ignorant comments to yourself both families are trying to cope with this horrible situation. Shelly (Anna) and I often spoke after she had Maddison back with her. each and everytime we spoke she thanked me for helping take care of her daughter. Maddison had nothing but love in our home.

  9. @Kim Sands
    yeah I will, and thank you. I know that Anna and Madison had some differences about this boyfriend but they had nothing more than normal mother daughter disputes.

  10. @Trish

    Thank you for taking the time to share your personal views about Anna and Madison relationship. I guess we would have to wait until Madison and her boyfriend goes to trial to learn why Anna’s life was taken so senselessly. I just want to encourage you to continue to rely on God for strength and directions. Another thing, Trish you said Anna was a fun and loving person right? She would probably hate to know her death is causing her family so much pain. It is only natural for you to miss her and the most hurtful part is the way her life was ended, but it might be best for you to concentrate on all the joy she has brought to your life to get you through this most difficult time, that tend to help me whenever I am thinking of a dead family member or friend that I am missing. I am always telling myself, they would want me to be happy and treasure the fun memories of them. Trish, you will never be able to completely cope with this, but please try to focus on the happy memories of Anna along with prayers, I think it will help.

  11. @Kim Sands
    Anna was a good mother to madison, anna loved madison. Sometimes Madison was what pulled anna through some tough times. Now i am not going to say madison’s childhood was perfect because if i did i would be lying, however madison had the power to leave whenever she wanted to. All she had to do was make one phone call home to her dad, which is how she got home in the end anyway, and she could have been home. She was not forced to stay with Anna and all Anna wanted for Madison was for her to finish school and have a decent life. To my knowledge, there was not any abuse from Anna toward Madison and if anyone says that there was i would want proof. Anna was just such a fun loving person and I cant believe shes gone. There are so many days that I want to pick up the phone and call her….then I realize that I can’t do that anymore. I love her and miss her dearly.

  12. Trish, that is very thoughtful of you to be here representing Anna the way you are and making people aware of the kind person she was to you. She would be so proud of you, if she could only see you now. Trish, we don’t know anything about Madison or if she were involved in the death of her mother, let say for a minute that she took part in her mother’s murder, why would a child want to kill the person who give birth and introduced them to the world? This is just not natural to me. If a child developed that much hatred for a parent, one would think this hate was something building up over a period of time. Trish, do you have any idea what Anna and Madison relationship was like? If you can tell us she was a great mother to her child that would certainly speaks volumes for her. I don’t know Madison, but every time I think about her, I am always picturing this vulnerable child who had to endure so much and was forced to grow up very quickly and ended up feeling intense hostility towards her mother. Now, I know I could be way off with this theory and even if I am right that still don’t give her the rights to kill her own mother, but I am just saying that if she had a rocky childhood that should be taken into consideration, because we all know that could impact the decisions we make later on in life. Mostly likely the courts will request that she be evaluated mentally.

  13. Kim Sands :@trish
    The only reason I am asking you all these questions it is only because I admire you. I don’t think if I had lost anybody as close to me the way you say Anna were to you that I could have been on here discussing it when her death is still so fresh. I know I probably would have been able to talk about it at some point, but I would not have been able to do it right now, especially how she have not been buried yet. Did you all try to contact them to find out the reason for the delay in releasing the body, instead of waiting on them to contact you? Sometimes these people needs a little push and if you don’t contact them they might not see it as any urgency.

    Yes i have been contacting them and her father has been contacting them as well.. we are trying to get them to do this as quickly as possible but just not getting any where to quickly. I am on here talking about it because i felt that anna needed a voice, if i am not here to say what kind of person she really was everyone would believe everything they hear which is not true at all.

  14. @trish

    The only reason I am asking you all these questions it is only because I admire you. I don’t think if I had lost anybody as close to me the way you say Anna were to you that I could have been on here discussing it when her death is still so fresh. I know I probably would have been able to talk about it at some point, but I would not have been able to do it right now, especially how she have not been buried yet. Did you all try to contact them to find out the reason for the delay in releasing the body, instead of waiting on them to contact you? Sometimes these people needs a little push and if you don’t contact them they might not see it as any urgency.

  15. They still holding Anna’s body? What is the purpose? You think they are only waiting on Madison so she could attend her mother’s funeral and find some type of closure?

  16. media :@TrishNow isn’t that strange Trish, Anna body is still in the care of the state. But when one known criminals was ambushed in Toote Shop Corner, his body was released back to the family before the week was up. I wonder why? Hmmmmmm!
    Bahamas Press/Editor

    I wish i knew cause we would like to give her a proper burial but we have not been contacted as of yet to say they are ready to release the remains. we are still waiting

  17. @Trish
    Now isn’t that strange Trish, Anna body is still in the care of the state. But when one known criminals was ambushed in Toote Shop Corner, his body was released back to the family before the week was up. I wonder why? Hmmmmmm!

    Bahamas Press/Editor

  18. dreamer :@Trish Trish, Are you the one from ohio that Madison stayed with and if you are then you really shouldn’t be bashing because my understanding is you also abused Madison when she lived with you, I believe that is called the pot calling the kettle black!

    No i am not the one from Ohio, I live in delaware and Anna and i were like sisters…

  19. Kim Sands :@trish
    Well trish, I am very sorry about your lost. What I really wanted to know is if Anna was a family member of yours how come you never seem to know what is going on , until you read it on BP. You and Anna were very close and she was like an aunt to you right? Were you at her funeral?

    Anna was my aunt but we were like sister, i know info just dont put it out here until its made public, as far as her funeral goes we still have not recieved her remains. they are still being held in the bahamas and have not been released to the family.

  20. @Trish
    Trish, Are you the one from ohio that Madison stayed with and if you are then you really shouldn’t be bashing because my understanding is you also abused Madison when she lived with you, I believe that is called the pot calling the kettle black!

  21. @trish

    Well trish, I am very sorry about your lost. What I really wanted to know is if Anna was a family member of yours how come you never seem to know what is going on , until you read it on BP. You and Anna were very close and she was like an aunt to you right? Were you at her funeral?

  22. For them to go after this girl like this must mean they have some good evidence to hold her and I think her father needs to look at this in perspective. Even if she is your daughter, once she did something wrong she should bear the consequence of her actions. If it was someone else he would hve been applauding and saying well done. Trinity I also agree with you 110%. Justice is supposed to be blind so as not to discreminate…but in alot of cases justice seems to be very selective.

  23. well this so called relative is happy that something is being done. Yeah its a shame that everything went down the way it did, but one who does a crime must do the time. I just want to know WHY it had to come to this. And now i hope i will get the answers and i am glad that the goverment is not letting this matter just slip through the cracks.

  24. It amazes me, the tenacity with which this young girl was sought out. I believe she knows exactly what happened to her mother, so this is good. You would think the RBPF would have gone after Andre Birbal with the same tenacity. This foreigner got more attention than the numerous schoolboys that were molested over a period of years at the hand of their trusted teacher. I feel sorry that this woman lost her life, possibly at the hand of her own child. Where is the same anger and outrage on the part of law enforecement for our Bahamian boys.

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