Mama Africa dumped for a woman ugly as SIN as a sex beast runs away with the nomination!


Jacinta 'Mama Africa' Higgs, dumped as an FNM Candidate.

Nassau, Bahamas — A the unholy war is erupting inside the Free National Movement as longtime supporters flock to the DNA [FNM #2]. However, deep in the heart of the party’s headquarters in an historic community drips gallons of kerosene as a political firestorm is about to be set ablaze.

As reported weeks ago on Bahamas Press, FNM Mama Africa was being dumped for a goblin that made a career of ‘juicing’ men like a track star.

The goblin, whose looks are deceiving, grew up near the Step Street area but is highly unpopular in the community. From what we know she was the longtime sweetness of a former high-ranking official of the Central Bank while she was still in her teen years. That official was also a high-ranking former board member of BTC and is now said to be in the liquor business.

Now get this, BP has the goods on the new FNM candidate for the seat in the east, who we know was at the centre of a SCANDALOUS love affair involving a former Supreme Court Judge.

The ‘sex beast’ juiced her way into the heart of an old ‘lion of the law’ and moved his hand to award her brother a contract in the millions, while knowing he was unqualified to do the work on behalf of the courts. The SCANDAL we are certain will be greatly discussed as the campaign heats up, and Bahamas Press will have more to say on that incident in the near future!

Meanwhile, ‘Mama Africa’ is said to be greatly disturbed over being dropped and has not been seen in the constituency or in circles in the FNM since word of her axing was reported by BP. Some tell us, ‘Mama Africa’ is so upset with the Ingraham government that she has refused to attend meetings in the Upper Chamber. She was invisible this past week when the Parliament met to discuss matters of national importance, and is said to be in deep meditation and lamentation with her ANCESTORS and Spiritual Advisers as she looks to the future.



  1. Jacinta needs people around her who can tell her what she needs to hear and not what she wants to hear.

    That’s why she can’t beat Fred Mitchell. Even tho most persons in the Fox Hill community don’t care too much from Mr. Mitchell, the one thing he does exceptionally well is being PRESENT AND ABOUT in the community.

    Plus, he is approachable and doesn’t have six and seven bodyguards chauffering him around. I hate to be the one to say it,but Jacinta seems very unapproachable and grouchie.

    Allyson suffered the same stigma until she started to eat souse on the side-of-the-road with the commoners, to show she don’t think she ALLLLLL that and a bag of chips.

    In closing, Bahamians looking for ppl they can feel comfy with going to and sharing their ‘broke-azz’ stories. Jacinta didn’t and doesn’t fit the kind-caring-and-loving profile.

  2. I totally agree with angel. How dispicable, an all time low………TYhis is why I dont trust all the material on the bogus site….My GOD HAVE A SENCE OF CHARACTER!

  3. I have been reading your articles and have in most cases taken them with in some measure of professionalism. However, today i was extremely appalled by this article. Do you have a mother, wife, sister or are you a sissy parading as a man? What have you done? What about the menm are they free and clear of any alledged behavior Would you have written this article if this was a PLP candidate? I am sure their are some PLP candidates that are far more deserving of those adjectivesbe it man or woman Nevertheless, regardless of political persuasion, I am just asking to use the GOD like character that you may have and if you do not, borrow it from someone and refrain from such brash attacks… You have written many times about the respect and care for the country. Do you have respect and care for your fellow man or woman…This article does not prove that….

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