Man claims he harmed his lover in the head with a cutlass after being frustrated by not being able to find work!

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NASSAU| A man was charged before the courts this week for a June 20th domestic incident between a couple in the Golden Gates area.

Carlton Roker, 52, came home and violently attacked his girlfriend in what he told the court was his frustration over his inability to find work following the coronavirus lockdowns.

Roker was home, drinking into a drunken stupor when the violent incident unfolded against the woman he told the court he was still madly in love with.

He admitted that the violence was out of character for him and that the cutlass incident was his first against his partner.

Pleading to Magistrate Gardiner for mercy, Roker was given a one year probation period for the violent treatment against his lover and another two-year protection order which adds that, if he physically or verbally abuses his lover again, he will spend one year in prison.

BP’s advice to Roker is simple…Drop the bottle and join a church!

We report yinner decide!