Vernencha Butler, 72, raped and murdered this morning by a 25-year-old male known to police!

NASSAU| Police are once again reporting another homicide in the capital, and yes, it’s another female. Bahamas Press has identified the female wictim as 72-year-old Vernencha Butler.
Police are questioning a 25 year old male in connection with the death of the country’s latest homicide.
We understand police arrived at an apartment on Ross Corner where they met two male (relatives of Butler) in an altercation outside the apartment with a 25-year-old male, who is well known to the police around 3am Saturday 23rd.
According to sources the deceased woman was assaulted and died on the scene.
It is said on arrival at the apartment the two male (relatives) discovered the 25-year-old suspect in the apartment, and their female family member (Butler) unresponsive.
EMS personnel visited the scene and confirmed no vital signs of life from the female. The 25-year-old suspect, who is known to the police, was arrested and taken to hospital by EMS personnel where he is being treated for his injuries.
The family is less than a year the family has suffered the loss of at least three other members of the family with Butler becoming the 4th for the year.
Why the courts keep giving these prolific offenders bail is beyond us. But hey, with being a member of the lodge anything backup goes around here. PRAY FOR THE BUTLER FAMILY – WE GONE!
We report yinner decide!