Man known to police took his own life after he and a police officer abducted and raped a female!


Bahamas Press confirms the man who was found swinging from the rafters of that abandoned building off East Street was 29-year-old Cyril Lockhart!

Man wanted for that rape and abduction along with the police officer who was charged killed himself. Cyril Lockhart was also charged with the murder of his twin brother in 2011.
Man wanted for that rape and abduction along with the police officer who was charged killed himself. Cyril Lockhart was also charged with the murder of his twin brother in 2011.

Nassau, Bahamas — Little has been reported in the press [WUTLESS MEDIA] about the body of the man found swinging from a roof just off East Street on January 8th, 2016 in the afternoon. The reports in the media stated that, “….a man was found hanging with what appeared to be a torn sheet around his neck from the rafters of a two-story abandoned building off East Street.”

The report added that the victim, who was wearing a red hoodie, was last seen just the day before and that was the end of the report as they blamed someone in politics for the death.

Your investigative team at Bahamas Press always goes deeper into the breaking reports and what we have uncovered in this last suicide will indeed cause you to accept the fact that what may look like a crime is really not so! And that the fear of crime is really just that! We in the public never get the real story which has led to these incidents in the community.

The man found swinging from the rafters was 29-year-old Cyril Lockhart of Millennium Gardens. He was an active member of the Holy Trinity Anglican Church Youth Department and, from most accounts, he was a Christian who had turned his life completely around. Or perhaps – not completely so.

You see, we at BP have been digging into this story from the minute we heard on a Friday afternoon – A PAY DAY FOR MOST – that a man was found dead! Guess what we found out?

Lockhart was on the run from police. You would remember that there was an alleged abduction and rape incident reported which ended in the Prospect Ridge. This was the same week when Lockhart hung himself. Detectives reported how a then Police Constable 3490 Rigby along with another male [LOCKHART], had abducted a female at gunpoint from the Faith Ave. area. They then took the female into the Prospect Ridge community where they raped the woman. A firearm was recovered at the scene. PC Rigby was caught, fired and charged but Lockhart made good his escape and refused to turn himself into authorities. And guess why?

Back in 2011 this same Cyril Lockhart walked free in the murder trial of his own twin brother, Luigi Lockhart. Lockhart was accused of taking the life of his brother following an altercation at his brother’s apartment in Stapledon Gardens on Feburary 14th, 2011.

Geoffery Farquharson, then lawyer for the accused, painted the victim as a troublesome man who started the fight. The jury then came back with a not guilty conclusion on the murder charge, and then considered Manslaughter by provocation. But even in the manslaughter consideration the jury remained split, and, therefore, Cyril Lockhart was told he was free to go!

After this incident of rape surfaced, relatives of the troubled soul said he refused to turn himself into police and said that he told several persons he would not be returning to jail.

He took his own life on January 8th, 2016 in that abandoned building off East Street. Now, we wonder what politician or police the WUTLESS MEDIA ga blame for that death!

We report yinner decide!