Man lost his freedom on Emancipation Day after his friend begged him to hide a gun in his house!

Magistrate Court

NASSAU| A wayward son lost his freedom and landed his whole family and gal in jail after police found a gun inside his drawer in a house on Alexandria Boulevard in Nassau Village on Emancipation Day.

Shane Davis Jr. told Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson Pratt that the .380 pistol did not belong to him but he kept it for “his boy” who dropped it off just two days before police raided the home.

Police rounded up everyone inside the home, including the accused’s father, mother, brother, and his girlfriend who had just wandered into the home hours before police arrived. 

After pleading guilty to the charge, Chief Magistrate sentenced Davis Jr. to 15 months in prison. He was ordered to pay another $6,000 or serve another 12 more months in prison.

The moral of the story is this: Look at the trouble these wicked friends cause who do work with “others” to undermine your freedom.

We report yinner decide!