Man shot dead outside home in Bamboo Town tonight – He becomes the 63rd homicide victim…


One Jerome Pinder is homicide victim in Bamboo Town!

Live scenes unfolding now in the 63rd homicide incident in the community nearby the Porkey’s Gas Station of Bamboo Town.

Nassau – BP can confirm that police are presently on the scene of the country’s 63rd homicide incident, which is unfolding on Taylor Street off Victoria Blvd; corner by Porky’s Service station, 6th corner right, in the Bamboo Town community.

There they discovered a male by the name of Jerome Pinder fatally shot on the back eastern side of the home. A female has also been shot but is presently enroute to hospital.

We understand that sometime just after 10pm the victim with others were all outside playing a board game when a white vehicle pulled up and begin firing shots into the group where the deceased was.

Pinder died of his injuries. While the female victim was left in stable condition.

All we say is this; Its hot, the country is in darkness. TWO CABINET MINISTERS MUST RESIGN! Save the Bays people are now working for the Minnis Government. EMPRESS DEM LYING ON BP….And if this keeps up we ga dropkick dem all out of office!

We need to go sleep!

We report yinner decide!