Marco City To Form His Own Party: If You Can`t Fish, Cut Bait, If You Can`t Cut Bait, Get The Hell Out Of The Boat

Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry Christie flew to GB over the weekend for a meeting with his Marco City MP Greg Moss.
Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Perry Christie and Gregory Moss.

By Jerry Roker
For Bahamas Press

The Member of Parliament for Marco City has announced his intention to form a political party, that will be contesting the next general elections. I congratulate him and wish to encourage him to forge on.

I am not a fan of Marco City, ostensibly because I consider myself somewhat old school when it comes to my politics. What I mean by that is this: Before one can lead, one must learn to follow. Mr. Moss obviously lost confidence in the party that catapulted him on to the national stage and gave him instant credibility. I believe, his massive ego and him wanting to have things his way birthed this lost confidence. If I were a betting man, I would place the mortgage, school fees, grocery and light bill monies on Mr.. Moss emerging as the maximum leader of HIS party. But it is what it is. Life goes on.

Andre Rollins- No apologies68 copyThat being said, and in fairness to Mr. Moss, he has espoused some positions on a range of national issues that could endear him and his party to the electorate. Most notable among them are his stand on the proposed constitutional amendment #4 and bank foreclosures on mortgage loans.

To his credit, in berating his party, at the time, for not acting or performing in a manner to his liking, Mr. Moss to the best of my information and knowledge, for the most part, did so with some class. He didn’t take the jungalist, drama queen road of Fort Charlotte, who got off several vitriolic personal attacks of PM Christie. Had I not known better, I could`ve believed that PM Christie had taken Fort Charlotte`s girl. Yes that`s how personal Ft. Charlotte was.

Nevertheless, I wish to applaud Marco City and wish him well as he seeks to realize his political dreams. God`s speed sir!


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