Marina "Aunt Tussie" Glinton Dies at age 74


<<< Marina Glinton

Nassau, Bahamas — The nation woke up early this morning hearing the news of the passing of the women with a golden heart, Marina Glinton.

The former Director General of the Bahamas Red Cross was a pillar in the community as she offered her self to helping others facing hard times in there lives.

Glinton became the voice of the Bahamas Red Cross; organizing charity activities and serving meals to scores of less fortunate homeless persons in the community. Her appeals seemed endless in her quest to help others.

In late September last year the Government of the Bahamas honoured Glinton for her tireless efforts in social outreach at Government House. She received the Most Excellent Order of The British Empire (M.B.E.) during the Queen’s Honour List of 2008.

Then Governor General Sir Arthur Hanna thanked the recipients for their contributions to country.

He said the honourees they all exemplified, “Those characteristics and qualities that make a nation proud. You’ve enriched the lives of so many Bahamians with your generosity.  You’ve put country before self in so many instances and for this, we say a heartfelt thank you.”

Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham said that in an effort to secure its future and national identity, a nation must take steps such as this.

“All nations, in an effort to secure their futures and the conservation, cultivation and promotion of their national identity and indigenous culture, must endeavour to ensure their futures efforts taken are conducive to nation building,” Ingraham said.

“For all the saints who from their labours rest!” Glinton was 74 years old. May she rest in peace, Amen!

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