Mass firings begin at Kingsway Academy once again!


NASSAU| BP is once again reporting downsizing exercises at Kingsway.

We are learning just moments ago the now former Director for Athletics Mr. VANDYKE Bethel was the first in a list to get his walking papers this past Thursday.

We understand Administrators Mr. Gregory Williams and Mrs. Gina Ferguson had a serious vibe with Bethel and all hell broke loose. Mr. Bethel was summoned to a meeting in the white house where he was given his walking papers. Sadly, all that he had done to try and get the school notice in the sporting arena, they treated him like he was a criminal. He was escorted off the premises. Mr. Greg Williams attitude and deplorable ways of treating people is not Godly. Once you are not in the clique with Adderley, Smith, and Williams you will get what the duck gets. Faithfully dedicated teachers are leaving with a bitter taste in their mouths.

A school that was built on Christian principles is now being turned into a friends of friends or lovers of friends house. We at BP must have a conversation with the US owner of the school who is also a friend and loves to read BP. Can someone advise why the Power School coordinator is still employed there? She should go back to fixing hair cause that position doesn’t match her attitude. Because she is friends with Greg Williams’ daughter she believes she has the right to talk to teachers or other staff members as she wishes.

Parents really need to elevate that school ever since how they treated the former administration it’s like professionalism went out the window. God do not sleep. Just remember no principal left Kingsway Academy willingly. By September the entire Temple Christian Elementary School staff will be employed at Kingsways.

Meanwhile, we are still following that 6th grade teacher, “Da Grade Giver” who mysteriously gives her students good grades even if they struggle to read and write. The only reason she was still there was because she was sucking up to Williams, Ferguson and Smith. We need to do some investigating to see why the former administration from the other school on Village terminated her employment.

Fast tracked, she has since moved on to St. Francis and Joseph Lower School where we understand all her students are getting exceptional grades even if they fail to report in school.

BP advises that the rogue teacher to join the Carnival as education is not for clowns who work tricks in the profession.

We ga report and let yinner decide!