Massive Fire hits several homes in Englerston…


Nassau| A massive fire has rocked the community of Englerston this afternoon, leaving several families homeless.

The blaze started after one resident decided to start burning garbage. That fire, aided with high winds and dry bush, quickly engulfed the first home and the fire ran out of control.

Firefighters are presently working feverishly at this hour to out the blaze, but fire trucks showed up without water.

One fire fighter told BP, “Please speak for us, we don’t have sufficient fighters, we don’t have sufficient safety gear. We have little equipment to fight a fire at this scale. Officers are stretched and are under serious stress. And right now we have no water in this truck to fight the blaze.”

Residents were seen moving buckets out of the homes in a failed attempt to save the homes engulfed in the blaze.

Both stone and wooden homes were completely destroyed.

One homeowner whose home was at the centre of the blaze told BP, “I was cooking when the fire started and by the time I came the door my home was already engulfed in the flames. I only had time to tell my kids grab their bags and by the time we stepped outside the home was consumed.

we report yinner decide!