McAlpine: Who put the pepper in the vasaline?



Senator Frederick A. McAlpine and the beautiful Glennis A. Knowles tied the knot last week Friday at Pro Cathedral Christ the King Anglican Church.

Grand Bahama Island – The politician who asked the public question, “Who put the pepper in the vasaline” and stirred political crowds during the May 2nd, 2007 general elections has finally found love a second time. Senator Frederick A. McAlpine and Glennis A. Knowles of New Providence exchanged marit politican al vows Friday, August 8, 2008 at 8am. It was a very private and intimate ceremony at the Pro Cathedral Christ the King Anglican Church. This memorable event was officiated by Canon Father Harry Bain.

Senator and Reverend Frederick A. McAlpine was born in Grand Bahama the son of Frederick and Cynthia McAlpine. He was educated in The Bahamas and Jamaica.

A charismatic evangelist, he was ordained to the Christian Ministry in 1983 at the age of 17.

Rev. McAlpine, President of Frederick McAlpine Evangelistic Ministries and a senior Minister at Freeport Fellowship Centre, is the host of a weekly Radio Broadcast on ZNS’ Northern Service.

He has preached in numerous countries around the Caribbean, in North America as well as in Brazil and in the United Kingdom.

Rev. McAlpine has served as President of Freeport Anglican High School Student Christian Movement; as an Executive Member of the Grand Bahama Christian Council; as a National Evangelist for the United Zion Baptist Convention and as Vice President of the Pentecostal Charismatic Ministerial Fellowship.

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  1. @Logical
    Logical am still awaiting your answers to my questions to continue the discussion.As you can see other bloggers have responded but I need you to blog again and give me answers.Despite my shortcomings i refuse to remain silent when you attack a Bahamian way of life.

  2. FIRE!!! :@Kim Sands You’re right Kim, Satan is busy. It has gotten to the point where our ideas of right and wrong are distorted. This has happened from the top to the very bottom of our society. You have the pastors in the church leading the people astray, because they themselves are lost. You have politicians who lie, cheat, and steal, just to have more than they already do. We have the spirit of homosexuality taking over our school-age boys and girls. We have promiscuity so prevalent that girls adn boys 10, 11, and 12 are forever changed before they even know who they are. I know of young girls who leave school in the day to sell their bodies. We have drug and alcoholism problems in our youth. We have problems in our education. We have gang violence. We have people that don’t value the life or property of others. We are a nation of ’sweethearters’ and whether or notwe choose to admit it wrong is wrong. WE HAVE TURNED AWAY FROM GOD!!! And the country of our youth is tarnished. It will never be the same.

    The Devil is working over time, because he realizes that his time is short. People who are not focus will easily be misled. Today, people do not want believe in anything good and they want to be able to do as they please. They reason that there is no God, so that they can continue doing wrong. The Devil has them fool in thinking that they will not be held accountable for their actions.

  3. @Kim Sands
    You’re right Kim, Satan is busy. It has gotten to the point where our ideas of right and wrong are distorted. This has happened from the top to the very bottom of our society. You have the pastors in the church leading the people astray, because they themselves are lost. You have politicians who lie, cheat, and steal, just to have more than they already do. We have the spirit of homosexuality taking over our school-age boys and girls. We have promiscuity so prevalent that girls adn boys 10, 11, and 12 are forever changed before they even know who they are. I know of young girls who leave school in the day to sell their bodies. We have drug and alcoholism problems in our youth. We have problems in our education. We have gang violence. We have people that don’t value the life or property of others. We are a nation of ‘sweethearters’ and whether or notwe choose to admit it wrong is wrong. WE HAVE TURNED AWAY FROM GOD!!! And the country of our youth is tarnished. It will never be the same.

  4. Boy I tell you Satan is so busy. He still continues to blind people. All the good things God has done for us, people still have no appreciation for him. I hope these people don’t wait until something serious happen to them before they start to seek God and believe in his word.

  5. I have some questions for you logical as you have stirred a passion in me:
    (a( Do you attend a church?
    (b) Have you ever believed in God?
    (c) What school overseas did you attend?
    (d) Are you a Bahamian?
    (e) When did you develop this non belief in anything that is logical?
    Since I do not know you I am posing these questions before starting our discussion.Please oblige by answering.

  6. @Logical
    If you have an issue with this man, this preacher, that’s fine. He’s just a man, and we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God. That said, it’s hard for me to read what you wrote and not be offended as a believer. You have preachers and pastors out there that have failed to hold firm onto their beliefs. But to say that the WORD of GOD is a lie, that makes me angry. If you’re an atheist or agnostic, then let that be the way you live and you can go straight to hell. But respect the God that I serve!!! We have too many ignorant people walking about the place poisoning the minds of others, especially in the Bahamas. It’s people like you that have caused others to turn away from God, and cause the state of unrest that has emerged in recent years. Every post I have read from you let’s me know that you’re an idiot. So maybe you should take your false premises somewhere else!!!

  7. I’m not worried about his private. He’s out there exploiting people “in the name of God.” All these preachers know by now that the dope they pushing is real toxic. Hard to get out of the system. They also know that the stories in the Bible ain’t nothing but some mythical tales retold as historical fact. No Red Sea parted. No men surviving a fiery furnace.No damn Sampson! No virgin birth. No water into wine. I won’t even talk about walking on water. No raising the dead or coming back from crucifixion.
    The preachers also know that the bigger the lie, the more people believe it. So what do most People believe without evidence or knowledge? What makes little sense but people still believe. That God would send his perfect son to die for sinners. That Jews would let their “King” be crucified during Passover, after all the miracles he performed, and still not, even to this day believe he was ” Messiah”. It’s easier for me to believe a married man is a sissy. That’s my 2cents. I’m just sayin.

  8. Wutless you schooled me. I didnt know until now that Algernon Allen started that HIP thing, but I can assure you Rev. McAlpine finished it with that dramatic speech at the FNM rally.

  9. I agree Brownie, we are not what we use to be. The man standing beside you can very well be a woman.

    I was in the bank the other day and the “it” in front of me was a tall man pretending to be a women……I MEAN DRESS DOWN AND MADE UP like a woman. I was just about sick and this other man on the line was lusting after “it”. I had to show him that it was a MAN. He too became ill.

    Swear for no man, I say.

  10. Hey Brownie, hold your boy McAlpine to the same standard you holding us. He get up on a national stage and rant on something he only heard.

    Drama King, I agree with you but will go one further, they get some switch hitters in the PLP and FNM. Man they probably in the BDM too!

    Our Bahamas ain’t what it use to be.

  11. yeah REV did give that speech but … when ya talkn bout the whole “spamk the HIP movement” that was ALLEN and REV was respondin to it

    brownie ya run hot aye? i hope you female

  12. Just to let you know drama king and wow I am not swearing for no man but at the same time if you heard something and you have no proof why be the a.. to come and post something like that you should go on your knees and pray. Like Marva said if this was the olympics we here in the Bahamas would always win gold for talking things we don’t know anything about. So the time you took to try and bash you shold have just did it from the beginning and give congrats don’t ya think!!!!! but hey!!!! All is Luv though:)

  13. lolll….yeah Media…post some footage if you gat it…show dem Wutless promising politicians and all the crap they said PRE election.

    Allen said the HIP thing? I thought it was McAlpine when he made that speech bashing the PLP for homosexuality etc……It left everyone with their mouth open….not for the PLP being homosexuals, but for HIM being the one talking about it…Rev and all. But for real I think a few homofreaks in the PLP.

  14. LOL ya right DRAMA … SWEAR FA NO MAN but then ALLEN was the one all oveR the country bout “We GA SPANK DA H.I.P. !!!”

    aye media/bp you een gat none a election jingles hiding aye?…post sum a dem fa the folks

  15. Brownie you are a bit too defensive/sensitive. Remember McAlpine is a PUBLIC FIGURE…making him up for open ridicule.

    WOW is right…swear for no man. I asked a question simply based on something I heard. I AM happy for the newlyweds and they look good together. Now I understand the Bible about “touch not God’s annointed”….MacAlpine being a Rev. an all ….but did he check his religious collar at the gates when he was BASHING the PLP and ALL THEIR SEXUALITY at the rallies last year??? Remember that?? Rwemember the whole “LAP DANCE” saga and “HIP” stuff?

  16. You know what, let me apologize for my remarks in any of my above post if I offended anyone and hit a sore spot. I should not make post based on rumours I heard.

    Congratulations to the newlyweds. May they have a long and fruitful marriage.

  17. Brownie, a quick lifes lesson that you obviously have never learned. Swear for nobody but yourself.

    ps. God hates false prophets even more. Enjoy your honeymoon.

  18. For all of you’ll out there who is trying to find out his sex. He’s OFFFFFFF the market so thats not your BUSINESS. It is so sad when we as Bahamians cannot be happy for one another without trying to slam another’s character. It is also sad when you do it to a true man of GOD. Don’t you know that God don’t like ugly and he especially hates when you mess with his annointed. Sen. Mac does not need to defend his sexuality to anyone of you negative, inconsiderate, jealous and unintelligent persons. So sit and think maybe its you who is NOT sure of your SEX…. SO sorry for ALL OF YOU WHO ARE GAY!!!!!

  19. My goodness you people do not have no respect for people privacy. When the man was single ya had aproblem with dat na he get sumbody and ya sayin he gay. what is you’ll issue. if he was on da down low wouldna make no sense to marry aye? And besides all a dat He is a man a God Give respect to get it. Ya dun kno
    If the olympics had an event in it for the most nosey set a people and always in people business the Bahamas would definatley bring home a gold.

  20. The girl was Ms. Bahamas right? She is beautiful. I think that Rev. McAlpine is a comedian on the low…..but is he on the DOWN LOW??

  21. LOL! LOL! ‘WOW’ Now you know we taking about OUR FRIEND the Pretty Knowles girl. But I see where your head is.


  22. One thing is certain REV. Freddi Mac is a smoothe talker, we believe this time he landed a lady with ROYAL BLOOD! NOW thats a QUEEN!

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